The Love God-Part Four

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"Who's the best matchmaker? I'm the best matchmaker!" Mabel sang to herself, as she merrily skipped on the forest path.

Mason tried to catch up to her. "Yes, yes, I know this is very cathartic for you, but how exactly did you manage to bring those two together—Will, would you stop standing so damn close!" He snapped at the blue haired boy, who's only response was a goofy grin.

I may have to fix that later, Mabel thought to herself, before replying to Mason's question.

"Well, it's obvious Robbie and Tambry realised that they were meant to be," Mabel smiled. "Oh, I can't wait to tell Wendy and the others the good news!"

A few moments later, they arrived in a clearing in the woods, where they saw Wendy and her crew in different clothing for the special occasion.

Wendy addressed her friends. "All right. Who's ready for the best and most overpriced day of our summer?!" They all cheered in response.

Thompson held up a packet of trail mix and safety whistles. "I brought a baggie of trail mix and safety whistles, in case we get separated."

Lee playfully nudged Nate and murmured. "Lame."

Nate chuckled in response, then looked around. "We're just waiting on Tambry. Can't leave without Tambry."

"Hey guys!" Mabel chimed in, waving at them as she approached.

Wendy smiled in her direction. "Mabel! You made it just in time, where have you been?"

Mabel giggled under breath. "Oh I didn't do much, unlike Tambry, who's a little busy at the moment. Wink. Wink."

Nate looked at her in confusion. "What does that mean? Why did you use wink in a sentence?"

"Let's just say she and Robbie took a trip to Smoochville," Mabel grinned. "Now everyone's happy!"

"Wait, wait. Robbie and Tambry?" Nate exclaimed, in horror. "This can't be happening."

"How's that?" Mabel questioned, her eyes darting from side to side nervously.

"He knew I liked her!" Nate snapped. "How could he do this?"

Lee turned to him, frowning. "What? You like Tambry?"

"Uh, yeah."

There was a flicker of sadness in Lee's eyes, before it was replaced with confusion. "Wait, you told Robbie? But not your best friend?"

"You always make fun of my crushes, man!" Nate yelled.

"That's what we do, genius!" Lee argued.

Wendy pulled her hair furiously. "Oh, oh! This is so like Tambry to do this, date my ex behind my back! I'm gonna tear her highlights out!"

"O-okay, calm down," Mabel said, desperately. She turned around. "Will, do something! You're usually the peacemaker!"

Will unfortunately couldn't hear her, too immersed in talking to Mason.

"You look so pretty right now," Will told him.

Mason rolled his eyes. "So you've told me the last seven times."

"And yet, you didn't tell me to stop, I'm starting to think you might—"

"Will, you're standing too close again. Remember what I said about standing three feet away from me."

"It used to be four feet," Will reminded, flirtatiously.

"Either three feet away me, or three feet into the ground. Your choice," Mason warned.

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