Roadside Attraction-Part Four

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Hey! Sorry for disappearing from the face of the earth. As a side note, it's currently cold as balls where I'm from. We already had two cyclones (thankfully, far enough from where I live).

Warning for this chapter; non-consensual kissing (kinda? I dunno).

The vision played in Bill's head like a broken video, he was haunted by images of blood-red skies, and a floating black pyramid. He was no idiot, he knew this had something to do with the Demon. Was his past life tormenting him? Sending him terrible visions so that he would breakdown mentally? Bill wouldn't put it past him.

"You good, Blondie?" Stan asked him, while driving behind the wheel. "I couldn't help but notice your heart wasn't set on the last two pranks we did."

"Oh, I'm great," Bill said, with obvious sarcasm. "Just another day, another existential crisis."

Stan smiled lightly at him. "You can talk to Dipper about it."

"I don't wanna burden him."

"We all have burdens," Stan remarked. "Sometimes, we need someone to help us lift the pain."

Bill stared at him. "You got that from the back of an inspirational book?"

"Hey, I can be philosophical too!" The man laughed. "And plus, Dipper is desperate to talk to you, why else would he help me pour ten pounds of tomato juice into the water ride in Log Land?"

Bill chuckled. "Or help me release a bunch of hungry cicadas in the Corn Maze."

"Haha! Yeah...can't help but feel like we forgot something there."


Meanwhile, Wendy stood in the middle of the Corn Maze, completely lost.

"Welp, I guess this is where I live now," she accepted, and cicadas chirped in the distance.


Stan shrugged, brushing the concern off. "Probably forgotten my pen or something."

Suddenly, Tad launched himself to the front of the van. "Stop here!"

Stan jumped, before stopping the van. They were packed haphazardly in front of a RV park called Septic Ridge.

"What's the meaning of this, eyepatch?" Stan snapped.

"If you must know," Tad remarked, holding up a pamphlet. "According to this informational piece of paper, this place has the best hot springs around."

Bill cocked a brow. "And? Why do you care?"

"Do you have any idea how long I've been trapped as a goat?" The Demon said. "All those years on all fours, my joints are killing me. I need this."

"I think Sixer would prefer you on all fours," Bill deadpanned.

"BILL!" Ford gasped from the back.

"Hmm, hot springs do sound nice," Mabel agreed. "Let's do it!"

"As long as Grunkle Stan keeps his shirt on," Dipper said.

"Fine," Stan grumbled.


As night loomed over, the group were chilling in outside hot tubs.

Mabel sank into the water, her hair floated around her. "Aah, this is the best!"

Bill sat across from her, trying to enjoy the soothing warm water, but he was too anxious. Across from him, he heard a light splash. He turned to see Dipper climb in next to him, his bare torso exposed to the night. Bill immediately turned away, throat growing dry and face turning hot.

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