Roadside Attraction-Part One

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Wendy came into the shack one day, only to see Mabel in the lounge. Her usually sunny expression was pulled into a frown, and she slumped on the couch.

"Uh, hey there," Wendy said, awkwardly. "What's with the long face?"

Mabel uttered a deep sigh, slumping deeper into the couch, like she wanted it to swallow her whole.

Wendy had enough, and approached the other woman. She grabbed Mabel by the collar and hoisted her off the couch, while Mabel hung like a fussy kitten.

"What's going on with you?" Wendy asked, placing her on the floor. "The last time I've seen you this upset was when you learnt there was no peanut butter flavoured cotton candy."

"Is it such a crime to like variety?" Mabel whined, then let out another sigh. "It's just...everything has gotten worse since the unicorn incident."

"Oh, you mean the incident where you beat up a bunch of unicorns, and didn't think to invite me?" Wendy remarked, with an arched eyebrow. "Because, to be honest, I'm still a little salty over that."

Mabel rolled her eyes, but couldn't help an amused smile. "The next time I have to beat the socks out of a rainbow-haired snob, I'll be sure to let you know."

Wendy returned her smile. "I appreciate that."

The two shared a bit of a laugh, before it died out, when Mabel's frown slowly returned. The redhead gave her friend a concerned look. "So, what happened?"

"Ever since Grunkle Ford ran some tests on Bill, everyone is either distant or constantly fighting with each other," Mabel admitted, miserably.

"Come on, it can't be that bad—"


The two turned to see a furious Dipper barging into the living room, followed by a rather frazzled Ford.

"Would just listen to me for five minutes?" Ford pleaded.

Dipper whirled towards him. "So what? You can try to convince me that what you did was okay?"

"Yes!" Ford exclaimed. "What part of that don't you understand? I had no choice!"

"Stop saying that!" Dipper shouted back. "That's a lie, you know it!"

"No, it's not—"

"Even if it's the truth, that doesn't make it okay," snapped a voice. Stan marched in and gave his brother an accusatory look. "You've been after Bill ever since you came back, just like you've been doing in the past."

"Enough, Stanley!" Tad stepped forward, glaring at the Day Guardian. "I know Ford's actions are unjustifiable, but I don't think shouting at him is gonna—"

"Here we go again," Stan snapped, rolling his eyes. "Tad Strange going out of his way to defend Stanford like always. You know, sometimes it feels like you care more about him than your own wonder you had no qualms with betraying Bill."

Tad's eyes widened, and Ford immediately went to shield the Demon from Stan's glare. "Leave him out of this! You have no right to judge him, when you betrayed your own kind for the sake of one Demon."

Dipper glared at him. "That Demon is our friend, you—"

"STOP!" Mabel shouted, and they all silenced. "You guys are driving me bonkers! And not in a good way!"

A voice came from upstairs. "Bill, wait!"

Mabel groaned. "What now?"

A minute later, the Cipher twins came down the stairs, with Bill trying to ran away from Will.

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