Chapter 13

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It has been two days since I have last seen Lucas.

I was already missing him and wanted to see him like right now.

After hours of denying my feelings for him, I realized I had a crush on him.


As I was watching TV shows, Lily called me.

She told me that Lucas was very sick and that she wanted me to go check on him. She told me his address to go and find him.

I hurriedly replied with a smile and changed in a lightning speed.

I was out the door and in Faith's car in less than an hour.

As I made to my way to his house, I noticed how this was my first time going to a guy's house.

Unless you count my brother's house.

It was more like a pig's pen.

I was getting nervous and I was blushing just thinking about the hand holding incident with him.

When I finally arrived at his house, I noticed how huge it was.

It was bigger than Faith's which was shocking because her house was huge!

I made my way to the door, but then I realized he might be sleeping. He is sick so he must be sleeping.

This made me stand by the door thinking of what to do.

Suddenly, I came up with a plan.

I looked around the door and noticed nothing that could hide a key.

I noticed there was a mat under my feet.

He wouldn't be so stupid to put his spare keys under a mat right?

I checked underneath doubting that it was even going to be there.

Guess what was underneath the mat?



Still my plan worked so I opened the door to his house with the key.

It opened!! I went in and realized I was breaking into his house. I felt like a thief breaking into a rich house.

I went around looking for the kitchen and it took me some time because his house was HUGE!

I finally found it and went in.

I started cooking porridge to make him feel better.

Suddenly, I noticed someone staring at me.

I slowly turned around and was met with Lucas's eyes.

He was staring at me intently.

He said, "Should I be scared that you broke into my house?"

He sounded so sexy which a husky voice. ;)

I smiled at him and told him that it was a secret on how I broke into his house.

He asked me how I knew he was sick and I just said the name Lily and he understood.

He walked over to me and I could feel the sparks as he came closer.

Ugh he's going to kill me one of these days.

He looked sick though so I told him to sit down and wait.

When I was done, I gave him the porridge.

He smirked and said, "I'm actually looking at food."

He just doubted my cooking skills!

"Fine! Don't eat it then! Hmph!!" I shouted.

He touched my hand and told me he was going to eat it. That touch made me blush and I just nodded with a wide smile.

He started eating and finished it so quickly.

I went to go and do the dishes when he came up behind me.

I felt his arms go around my waist and he put his head on my shoulder. His touch sent tingles all over my body and it caused my heart rate to increase rapidly.

I could smell his amazing smell and it made me want to turn around and give him a kiss.

But I didn't. :)

I just kept on doing the dishes with his arm around me.

Suddenly, he said, "I don't like woman."

I was about to turn around and ask him if he was gay, but he quickly said, "No not that way and I am not gay!"

I laughed and told him to continue.

He said, "I'm cold towards people because my mom left me when I was young. She told me that she never wanted to have me as her son. She just married my dad for his money and was going take his money, but that plan got ruined because I was born."

I gasped because what kind of mother would say that to her kid.

He laughed bitterly and said, "She never loved me and I was always alone. I never had someone to talk to and I always got jealous whenever someone was talking about his/her mother. After that, I realized that people were becoming my friends due to my money and looks. They didn't want to know the real me. All they cared about was how they could benefit from me. That really made me build up a wall towards others.. I was very cold towards you because you were different. I know it sounds weird, but you didn't care about my money."

He turned me around and said, "You looked at me for who I am and you wanted to know the real me. No one has done that to me. You could have just left the cat, but you chose to save it. You could have just ignored my rude remarks, but you chose to answer all of them. You could have not minded all the women that flirted with me, but you cared. You made me feel different and I couldn't get my mind off of you. That really made me realize how much you are different."

Then, he whispered, "You seem like a girl I met when I was 10 years old. She was very cheerful and funny just like you.."

I was just about to open my mouth and comment about how that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me when he fell asleep.

He was burning hot and I could feel him sweating.

I started panicking and led him towards his room. It was right next to the kitchen which was easy to find.

As I went in, I laid him on his bed and let him sleep.

I looked around his room and noticed there was a diary.


I know it's wrong, but I still opened it..

Inside, he wrote about all the things that happened to him like a usual diary.

Apparently, he had to do this because of his trauma after his mom left.

I found an entry that said, "Today, I met a young girl with a sundress on. She was indescribably cute and I felt attracted towards her.. (A/N: this diary includes most of chapter 1 flaskback).

I suddenly noticed that this was me. Lucas was the boy I met by the tree when I was 8. Everything started to click and I was shocked.

I closed the diary and left it on his desk again.

I left his room and his house.

I had a lot to think about tonight.

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