Chapter 20

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I arrived in Paris.

I couldn't stop crying in the plane and everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

I didn't care though.

All I could think about was the things I left back in US.

When I arrived at my old apartment I used in Paris, I was hugged by a man.

He said, "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to scream at you. I was just frustrated at myself for not noticing. I realized that I don't care who you are because I love you for you. The real you."

Before he could continue, I pushed him aside.

I looked up at him and realized it was Hunter.

I sighed and told him I was Hope.

He looked at me and realized I was the real Hope.

He sighed and asked, "Where is your sister?"

I told him she wasn't here.

He rolled his eyes and followed me back to my house.

He looked sad and mad at himself.

I wondered if Lucas would be like Hunter if he found out I was not Faith.

I doubt it.

I didn't feel like myself anymore.

I felt like I didn't care about anything anymore.

I didn't know what to do with my life anymore.

Hunter turned me around and told me to focus.

I glared up at him and sighed and told him to come back tomorrow.

He ran his hand through his hair and left.

I went straight to my old bed and it smelled like Faith.

I was crying because I was sad.

That night I had nightmares of Lucas's reaction of when he found out that I was not Faith.

The next day, Hunter knocked on my door and let himself in.


Faith must have told him my password.

Hunter started asking me questions and I told him everything that happened.

He was quiet for a long time.

He sighed and said, "Is Faith going to marry Lucas now?"

I suddenly realized this and was hurt all over again. I grumbled a short yes and left.

Wait. No.

I turned back around and said, "You need to go and find my sister. She loves you and I can see it. You mean the whole world to her and even though she lied to you, she loves you. She doesn't deserve to be unhappy. Faith is an amazing sister and she really means so much to me. Even though, she put me into this situation, I am thankful to her. She gave me the chance to fall in love with Lucas. I know she is waiting for you to come and find her. Go and catch a flight. You probably have enough money to go fly on your private jet or something. Tell her how you really feel and she will tell you how much she loves you. So, go!"

He smiled at me and gave me a hug.

He left.

Then, he came back and asked me if I wanted to come. I told him no.

I am still a fool.


Faith's POV:

I was hurt by Hopes' words. I really was, but I was shocked.

She told me she fell in love with the cold-hearted Lucas.

He was such a jerk to me when we first met. How could she love him?

Then, I realized Hunter was very cold towards me at first too.

People change.

I stopped crying.

I was determined to set things straight because I am pretty sure my sister has ran off.

I called her phone and it said that the phone was not in this region.

She must have left to Paris.


I was still going to set things straight even though she wasn't here.

I left my house and went to my car.

I got in and drove towards Lucas's house.

I knocked on the door and he opened the door for me.

He looked like a big mess and I could see how mad he was at himself.

I came in and sat down on the sofa casually.

I told him to sit and he was about to start by saying, "Faith.."

I cut him short and told him that I was Faith but the one he has been spending time with was not Faith.

He looked at me like I was crazy and I sighed thinking of the same reaction Hunter gave me.

I started telling Lucas the whole story.

I told him how it was my fault and that he shouldn't blame Hope.

She was just following my plan.

Lucas looked furious though.


He started talking to himself about how he was lied to and how Hope broke the promise by leaving.

I sighed and told him we were sorry.

He just closed his eyes to control his anger.

It wasn't helping.

Suddenly, he said, "This marriage is broken. We will just end this engagement and we won't be married."

I just nodded, but what scared me the most was his expression.

He was back to his old, cold self.

He has built up his walls again.

He told me to leave and I did because he looked like he could murder me right now.

I went into my house and slept the night.

I stayed at my house alone for the past few days.

I wanted to be alone.

I couldn't set things straight.

I am not like Hope and I couldn't be free like her.

I loved living her life, she was so free and she didn't have to worry about being perfect like I always did.

I was lying on the sofa when the bell rang.

I slowly walked over to the door and opened it.

I was shocked by who stood in front of me.

It was Hunter.

He started apologizing and saying how Hope told him to come and find me.

I just started crying and just hugged him.

I was finally back to my old self and I just kept on squeezing him.

He smiled and pulled me back and kissed my cheek.

He said three words that made me smile.

"I love you."

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