Boston QZ - Chapter Six

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about 20 minutes of walking to where we need to get to we have to climb out of this smallish hole and me being a dumbass, my shoe gets caught on the rim and i trip, falling flat on my face, letting out a yelp.

Another thing about me is I can be extremely clumsy sometimes.

"You alright?" Joel says with a hint of concern in his expression although I can see him trying to stay emotionless, giving me his hand to get up but I just ignore his help and get up by myself.

"i'm fine." i scoff in a mix of annoyance and stubbornness shaking my (H/C) hair that was now full with bits of mud, annoyed at myself for not tying it up prior.

"Now look who needs to light'n up." Joel says, his voice now a lot more defensive and stern than it was before although I can't help but know he's just covering up his hurt.

Did I... hurt his feelings?

I guess maybe Joel whatever his last name is might not be as tough as he acts.

Tess and Ellie looks back at us for minute, scared to break the silence when Tess speaks up. "Um.. okay let's go." She says with an awkward smile and she leads the way.

Ugh for some reason Joel just gets on my nerves. With him acting like he's so much better than everyone else? Well I sort of act like that too but that's because I AM better than everyone else. He's just a straight up asshole to everyone without a reason.

I start getting myself a bit to worked up like normal and I take a deep breath and shake it off while the rest of them just look at me weirdly.

"Mind your own business." I say with a glare towards them all, and they do just that.

Ellie stands up and laughs with shock saying, "Holy shit I'm actually outside." Tess quickly pulls her back down as a light shines right next to her but luckily no one saw.

They start talking about where to go and lecturing Ellie but again I'm not really listening and just fiddling with the necklace I loved so dearly around my neck.

The same necklace that was the only trace still left of my life before the outbreak.

"You got that (Y/N)?" Tess asks, making me focus on the conversation as soon as I hear my name

"Uh... yeah..? I say snapped out of my trance pretending I've been listening.

Tess and Joel enter first under a bus and Ellie turns to me and says "She said to stay close by the way."

"Oh. Thanks." I mutter. Thank god for Ellie, I mean I think that kind of goes without saying anyways to be fair.

We come out the other side and hide behind some cars waiting for the right opportunity to go. We then run through and start crawling through a tunnel.

"Please remind me why I accepted this from stupid Marlene. Normally I much prefer just shooting my way through situations and not crawling through mucky tunnels." I complain, rubbing some mud of my face with a scoff.

"Yeah if you hadn't noticed there's too many of us for that to work." Tess states with an eyebrow raised

"Yeah, hence the reason I'm in a tunnel." I state with a slight sarcastic tone and a mocking face..

Date finished- 17/4/23
Date rewritten- 17/6/24
Word count- 587 words

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