Chapter 25

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Ariana's P.O.V
I stood shocked staring at the by passers jogging in the park my mind was oblivious to the world around me, my thoughts only on what Alexa had done to me. She told me the secret was safe? Why did she not want me to date Justin? Why did she want to break my heart? Why did she have to be a fucking bitch? I gripped onto the roots of my hair forcefully tugging on them angrily. I needed to take my anger out on something, anything. I wanted to take my anger out on her. I wondered whether I should ask Justin what to do, but I couldn't just ring up and ask.

"Pstt" I heard someone whisper, I snapped my head towards my right to see the bushes, I could make out a figure. Two fingers came out the bush and called me over. I didn't know why but I followed the fingers like it was a sign.

"Oh my god" I whispered. Ali had pulled me down to the ground and smirked at me. "Ali" I exclaimed jumping into his arms. He gave me a soft hug and told me to shush and not draw attention to us. "What are you doing here?" I asked happily moving the loose hair that was sprawled onto my boiled face.

"I was just out for a walk" He casually replied avoiding my eyes. I faked a laugh.

"Oh really, you come for walks in the bushes?" He smirked shrugging his shoulders.

"Why'd you scream for?" He asked confused.

"I was angry" I replied remembering what happened brought a frown on my face.

"What happened?" He asked taking off his ray bands putting them on his shirt. I groaned thinking about it. "Let's go somewhere to talk."

Ali and I arrived at Franco's a small cafe that was practically empty. We ordered cups of tea and sat down at a table.

"So what happened?" He asked referring to the previous conversation I left in answered.

"So you know my so called best friend Alexa", I watched as he nodded his head; "well she was the one who posted a picture through my door of Justin and myself and my 'dad' found it and he couldn't bare the thought of me being with Justin. He was so mad he slapped me and called me a whore, I didn't want to live in my house any longer so I called for Justin. Unfortunately my dad got to Justin and beat him and ever since Justin and I haven't spoken, all because of Alexa. She left me heartbroken" I shuddered remembering the night it all happened.

"I'm really sorry, it hasn't been the same without you. Without Justin's smile", he confessed bringing a small smile on my lips.

"Does Justin, does he ever talk about me? You know since what happened?" I took a sip of my hot tea.

He his head thinking about it, then he smiled. "Yeah, he does. When we ask questions he doesn't seem to like the subject, but he's always wondering what you're doing, whether you're safe. He always says he wonders whether you hate him".

I shook my head "never, I could never hate him" I pursed my lips to the side hiding of a smile that was desperate to come out. "I think about him too, a lot" I admitted shyly. Ali grinned.

"I need your help?" I asked like a question Ali sat back to listen. "What can I do to get serious payback on Alexa?"

"Ha, well if I were you id beat the fuck outta her until she can no longer breathe but that's just something boys do. If I were you I'd ask her first like to make sure it was her, then if it turns out it was her tell her how much she hurt you and tell her that you no longer want to know her."

"Oh" I sighed, "I wanted to kill her" I confessed Ali nearly toppled off his chair laughing. I smiled half drinking the last bit of my tea. "I'll take your advice then, but if she dare get rude to me I'm bitch slapping her" I shrugged my shoulders smirking.

"Well I better get back to the house, I'm in need of some jobs. It was good seeing you" Ali said standing up. I stood up two and got away from the table. I gently embraced him smiling into his chest. His shirt smelt a little like Justin's home which made me feel better. "Oh and I won't tell Justin what we discussed about Alexa because if he know she would no longer be living." I laughed waving him out. I guess I should take his advice, he's more of an expert then I am.

I came face to face with Alexa's door, I had to push back my anger and put on an act. I smiled falsely before raising my hand and knocking on her door.

Justin's P.O.V
"And your sure she's okay, not getting hurt or anything?" I asked Ali for the what seemed hundredth time. He sighed.

"Justin, I'm sure. She's good, she was happy to see me and talk about you. She told me she thinks about you a lot and she could never ever hate you" hearing Ali say that brought a smile to my face. "Woah" Ali gasped.

"What?" I asked confused.
"You, you smiled. You haven't smiled since that night" I nodded still smiling. Just then I heard the door knock. I got out of my chair and made my way to the door.

There wasn't anybody there, but there was a parcel. I brought the box in to Ali and started to open it. There was a white fingerless glove inside with a note underneath it.

"Aw Ariana lost a glove, how sad is that? Count the days bieber she'll be mine in fifteen days. At least you can have the glove to remember her by. From: Anonymous"

I threw the box to the walk in my temper, clutching onto her glove like my life was in my hands. "What am I going to do? Fucking Jonas couldn't even track the fucking number, so who the fuck is it?" I growled kicking the chair.

"I think you should get back with Ariana and keep her real safe instead of one of us boys every now and then checking on her." Should I consider it or not?

Ariana's P.O.V
"Didn't you fucking know this would destroy me" I cried out after Alexa finally admitted to sending it.

"I never thought you'd be this dramatic over it" she cooly replied.

"Oh you really are a nasty bitch, devils daughter you are" I spat.

"Take that back" she gasped.

"Or what, you gonna try and break my heart again. You're pathetic Alexa and I never wanna see you or hear from you again. Were so done, I wish I never even met you" I spoke looking into her eyes showing her I meant it. I didn't let her say another thing I left her room and left her house. Wiping the tears from my eyes I started my way back home. I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into a muses figure I looked up and saw a pair of eyes I had been desperate to see. Justin's.

A/N: filler, but what will happen next do you think? Alsooooo school tomorrow (damn u) which means I won't be able to update as often as I can but please carry on voting and the updates will come in quicker. All my love xx

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