Boston QZ - Chapter Seven

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We keep doing a half crouch and half walk through the musty tunnel for a couple minute, when we suddenly see lights come on and shine through the tunnel, assumingly FEDRA.

We all stay back against the sides of the tunnels waiting for the light to disappear as the sound of rain pouring down sounds from the top of the tunnel.

"I have to say as dirty as it is in here it's pretty warm and sheltered compared to outsi-" I speak, just trying to fill the silence when Joel cuts me off.

"Shut the hell up." Joel mutters then looks away.

"Okay old man." I say jokingly with a glare, and a clearly offended tone.

"Old man?" He says sternly, his gaze snapping towards me in an almost dad like tone.

"Stop bickering and come on." Tess says, starting to move through the tunnels and I follow her reluctantly with an eye roll.

We move out of the tunnel and try to sneak past a guard when suddenly he turns round and sees us.

"DONT MOVE" He shouts, quickly running over to us.

"Shit." I say throwing my hands up in a the air a little.

The guard seems to recognise Joel and Tess as he says. "You have got to be shitting me."

"Okay let's talk this out." Joel says trying to calm down the soldier.

"Turn round and get on your knees." He says not budging. "Get on your fucking knees." He says once more.

We still just stand there not really sure what to do when he shouts yet again, "GET ON YOUR KNEES."

"Okay just get on your fucking knees." Tess says.

She tries to bargain with the soldier but he is having none of it.

"Look, if you let us through here... maybe we could meet up later on, I wouldn't mind a drink.. especially with someone with the looks you have." I speak with my best fake flirtatious tone, winking at the guard, but getting on my knees anyways.

And somehow it seems to be fucking working, and I can tell his ego is boosted from here and I'm barely able to keep my fake smile without breaking out into a disgusted look. God men are easy to please.

I look over to Joel and I can literally see his jaw clenched and he suddenly seems a lot more on edge for a reason I can't quite figure out.

The guard pulls out the scanner to see if we are infected and I can't help but roll my eyes slightly when he scans me.

He moves onto Tess after he sees in clear.

"Really, dude? We aren't infected." Tess says sternly with a scoff.

He goes to scan Ellie after Joel, and I continue to flirt with him, and he seems like he's about to let us go when suddenly he goes to scan Ellie and she turns around and stabs him in the thigh with her knife.

Tess and Joel re-act quickly, standing up urgently but I re-act quicker. Just as he pulls his gun out I leap on top of him tackling him to the floor and punching him in the face. But he manages to punch me off and roll over in pain clutching my face slightly. He goes to punch me again but I just stand up in time going to pull out my gun when he points his at me and Ellie.

I know he's about to shoot and I know I need to do something and quick. I could dive to the floor and go for his legs but then Ellie standing right behind me would just get shot. Or I could try to reach for my weapon but he'd probably just shoot.

I quickly look over at Joel for a quick second and I could just tell that he was about to go absolutely mental.

It looks like he's having a flashback or something and he runs at the soldier with such force that I thought he was going to go over to the edge of the fucking universe.

Joel sits on top of him and starts punching him repeatedly in the face.

"Jesus fucking christ!" I shout in surprise.

I quickly run towards Joel and put my arms on either side of his waist, grabbing his hands and pulling him back roughly without even saying anything before he literally fucking kills the man... if he's not already dead that is.

He seems in utter rage and I keep him restrained for a moment while he calms down.

"Joel.. calm down." I say sternly, holding him still for a moment more.

I've never really been a person to be very kind or gentle to anyone.. especially over the past couples years.

i release him after a moment, spitting out blood and wiping some that's dripping down my nose with my sleeve.

We suddenly stop in our tracks when we here Tess shout, our heads snapping to turn to where she is, "JOELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL"


I turn round towards Tess and I see on the tester for infected that it turned red after it scanned Ellie.

"IM NOT SICK!" Ellie screams with a fucking terrified tone.

"JOEL." Tess shouts for him again, clearly panicking.

"IM NOT SICK" She shouts again. "This is three weeks old, nobody lasts more than a day."

She shows me and Tess her bite mark and yeah as she says it looks decently old, a lot more old than anyone could survive.

"Uh Tess that does look pretty old." I say with a shaky tone, trying to reason with Tess before she fucking kills Ellie.

I've heard rumours from the time I've been sneaking around the fireflies over the past couple weeks of a girl who didn't turn after being bit but I thought that was just pure rumours and lies?

Maybe not.

"We've gotta move." I say sternly as I hear FEDRA soldiers coming towards us from the distant.

"Or we'll all be dead." I add quickly.

Joel freezes for a minute and then picks up the now most likely dead soldiers gun and jogs after us.

We all run until we got through a weak part of the fence, climbing through the whole and fucking legging it out of there.


If so because I have no idea if anyone who's not British will know what I mean it just means run or escape really quickly 😭😭

Word count- 1,116 words
Date finished- 24/4/23
Date rewritten- 17/6/24

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