More Songs, More Songs... Wait, Joshua?

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A month and a half later...

I'm sitting on my couch, thinking about the drama, if it would get better. Here are some updates:

Olivia released Good 4 U, Traitor, Happier, and other songs. All Josh is getting is hate still. On the bright side, there are still some Josh supporters that refuse to believe he did anything wrong, or just don't know abt the drama at all :)

Whenever Josh posts something, on any social media, whether it's Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, I just support him. I KNOW he didn't do anything wrong. 

After a while of thinking, I decided to go for a walk in the park. I already made myself coffee... And kinda drank too much so I now had a lot of energy, so a walk would be nice. 

Before I went out, I decided to check myself out in the mirror just in case, because I don't want to look like a smelly trash bag. My hair looked nice and fluffy, and I was wearing a decent outfit. I wasn't wearing much makeup, but enough to give me a decent look. 

I went to get my keys and a jacket just in case, then I got out of my apartment and started to enjoy the fresh air of New York :)


As I was walking, I decided to listen to some music, so again I played my playlist, and what came on was "Anyone Else" by Joshy Bassett.

As I was walking, I started to hum involuntarily, but only in a way that I could hear. I was wearing only one AirPod, so I can hear the outside world too. Gosh, this walk really is a good way to get rid of stress. 

As I got lost deep in thought, Joshy's song ended, and a stupid ad started to play, so I decided to just turn off my playlist fully. Now I could fully hear the outside world, the sweet sound of the wind, and tbh the air smelled good in general.

I suddenly heard footsteps approaching. It was a guy in a gray hoodie... Tyler? No, Tyler is more of a T-shirt guy. He wears hoodies, but not for walks. This guy also had curly hair, but his head was facing down like he was trying to hide his identity. I couldn't get a clear view, then suddenly he walked right past me. I also noticed he was wearing a sort of rectangular and long necklace. 

Wait... Fluffy brown curls... Brown eyes... Hoodie... Necklace... Hiding... Josh? If you guys don't know, Josh is in NYC right now! 

Without thinking, I blurted, "Josh?"

The guy stopped. He paused then slowly turned around. My eyes widened. Is this really him? His eyes were a hint of red, and he looked kinda scared, he was shaking. 

Like an idiot, I said, "Um, a-are you Joshua Bassett?" 

He hesitated, but then slowly loosened the hood part of his hoodie, "...Y-yeah" his voice was cracking as he talked. Big brown eyes, curls, a little thick but cute eyebrows. It really was him.

Without thinking, I gave him a sad smile going over to him, and hugged him. He was surprised at first but then hugged back. And I could tell he really needed the hug. 

Suddenly I jolted awake...

Wait... But no, I didn't hold awake. This was real. He was real.

"You don't deserve any of the hate." I said without hesitation as we pulled away. 

"Thank you, this really means a lot." he said as he gave a sad smile. Then someone walked towards us from behind him so he put his hood back on, and I got in front of him to kinda block the persons view of him. Luckily, the dude was looking at his phone. 

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