Hey, Franklin.

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As I got up the next morning, thinking that all of this was a dream, I was calm. Then I saw Josh sitting on a little chair in front of me... I started to freak out again, but I didn't make it obvious. He had headphones on and was working on his piano. 

I slowly got up and acted as if I didn't just freak out over all of this thinking it was just a dream. 

He then noticed I was up, "Hey, good morning." he took off his headphones. 

"Good morning. What's up?" I asked

"Nothing... Just working on a new song." he said

"What's it called?" I asked

"Heaven Is You... I'm still working on it though. One of the verses sound wrong," he said

"Ah, alright. I should probably work on my song as well... Hell I didn't even write a title yet." I said

"You write songs too?"

"Yeah! I find it to be pretty fun," I said

"What song you working on?" 

"Well, I used to babysit, but a few days ago I told my manager, Jess, that I needed a new job because I'm pretty much going broke since I quitted my babysitting job, and I told her I wrote songs and now she's saying that I might get a new role in some musical if I write a song for it," I explained

"What musical?"

"I was thinking about auditioning for Descendants 4, but then Cam died and shit, which was pretty painful because I love the guy, and there's no point in working on a puzzle if a huge part of it is missing. So she's trying to find something, and I'm also researching. But there's nothing specific we're looking for right now. I'm working on my song just in case. Also, because I like working on songs." I chuckled

"Yeah, haha, fair enough. Whatchu wanna do today?"

"I was thinking of going live, but then considering all the drama, I don't think it would be the best idea. I'd go to a coffee place... But I don't want people to recognize me..." he said, sorta shaking at the thought. 

"I get that. Do you just wanna work on songs? We can make coffee here too if you have the ingredients," I suggested

"Yeah, that sounds good," he smiled, then we headed to the kitchen for some coffee. Before we went in, Josh stopped me, "Wait here." I then did as he said as he did whatever he needed to do. 

"Alright, come here!" said Josh, so I walked into the living room, only to see him holding Franklin... Um, his teddy bear? He's the most adorable thing fr :)

"Franklin says hiii." he smiled, moving Franklin's Paw

"Hey, Franklin!" I laughed

"Hi Y/nnnn!" Josh imitated Franklin's voice. He's so cute, I love him and his goofy side. I love him because  he's goofy! 

Josh then placed Franklin on the couch, and helped me make coffee. As we finished making it up, we sat on the island of the kitchen, and drank our drinks. 

"So... What do you wanna do now?" asked Josh

"Hmm, I don't know. Wanna play a game?" I asked

"Sure, what game?" asked Josh

"I don't mind. You choose." I said

"Hmm... Truth or dare?" asked Josh

"Sure. Truth or dare, Josh?" I asked

"Haha, hmmm... Truth." he said

"Hmm... If you could do a duet for a song with any celebrity, who would it be?" I asked

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