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Screams came from every direction.
"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" Yelled Corey. "The camp is being attacked!!" Yelled Reinhard. "OH GREAT" I sarcastically screamed. Chiron Took out a pen. Which I thought was dumb at first but Then It became a Shiny Sword. We all run outside and We see the Apollo Kids All gather. There..We saw a Giant Metal Bull. Nancy the Heroine obviously came,
"Gosh I hate the insane Rodeo has to be at this time" she Moaned. Which could have been funny if It weren't for the Fact, A boy From the Athena Cabin Got Hurt.
"Are you ok Donovan?!" Nancy helped him up. "I'm fine Nancy! Let's go help Chris Rodriguez!" He tells her.
Corey Panicked, "What the heck are those Things?!"
"Colchis Bulls!" Yelled Chiron. He Then galloped to see if he could distract them.
Campers kept Attacking. It almost came towards us. I saw Ethan Nakamura fall, screaming as the Fire from the Bull almost burned him.
"Hold On!" Yelled a hispanic Boy with Brown hair and Eyes. "CHRIS!" Yelled the Same Kid Donovan.
Chris Runs to help Ethan. "Crowther! Watch Out!" Yelled Chris. One of The Bulls nearly trammeled on him. Corey seemed like he wanted to cry. But me, I stood my ground. "HEY STUPID!" I yelled. Everyone was shocked. Ethan, Chris, and Donovan especially. The Bull froze and Looked my Way. "Come and Get me TORO!" I yelled hitting my Knee caps. The Bull Seemed to Frowned and Ran my way. "Shit-" I muttered. Then I ran as fast as I could. "Is He getting himself killed?!" Yelled Ethan as he went with The Ares Kids.
Of course, Corey was still right by me and Ran beside me. "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED SLOAN?!" He yelled. I felt anxiety come over me as I ran. But good thing I thought of Something instantaneously as I came to the Lava Wall. "Quickly!! Take my Hand then I'm Gonna Swing you-
Too Late. I swung him to try to see if the Bull would get confused to attack and end up running into the Lava. But things seemed to go in slow motion..Then Gold flashed. Or so I thought. "AHHH-" Corey Was Tossed By a Gush of Wind I created. Then I toss myself. The Bull Lost it balance as it went through The Lava wall. We were On a Bunch of Trees.
"Ughhh" Corey Held his head. "Wha-" I looked at my hands, taking a deep breath. "Please tell me you did that On purpose" groaned Corey.
"Nope," I say. The Bull got itself back Up. Shook it's Head. Then Went The Opposite way. "So much for that" I Huffed. Ledger and Reinhard Desperately made their way to us. Everyone else was still fighting back,
"GUYS! Get down from There!!" Ledger Yelled for some reason, "OH YEAH! I WOULD LOVE TO! THANKS FOR HELPING" I Growled. Reinhard Climb with His Dagger. I wondered if He get a lot of splinters. "you Guys! Ugh! Get down!" Reinhard yelled.
"We Can't Let Anyone Be in the trees! It's Poisoned!"
That made Corey and I jump together "AHHHH!"
And Right on Top of Ledger and Reinhard and Ledger who were climbing.
"Ughhh!" I looked and Thought I broke bones. Ledger and Reinhard lifted themselves from the ground and looked at Corey like he was some sort of crazy clown. "Did- Dude what did you do?!" Ledger Tells him. We Got up and Ran Back towards the Camps hearing the sound of the Anger Bulls. "What do You mean?!" Corey replied. "You Just Transported Us Through Light!" Reinhard added. He was Right. "HOLD UP-" Corey was about to process. One of the Bulls was on a Hill.
"Clarisse! You're insane!" Yelled Donovan Crowther.
"GOOD!" Yelled Clarisse back with a Large Grin. She went ahead with the Attack. "FOR CAMP!" She yelled. Then I say Nancy Come in full speed to punch it. When She Saw Clarisse the Two of them broke the opposite to not hit Eachother. Landing themselves on the ground "OW! Bobofit! I had it Under Control!"
"Sorry! I didn't know Ok?!" She yelled back. The Bull Came and Clarisse Once Again Attacked it. Cool chick. Everyone Else Made sure to help out any way they can.
"Wait! Where is the other bull?!" Nancy yelled. Again, in slow motion, as terrifying as was, it jumped from the bush right behind Her..Ready to turn on its flame thrower. Nancy looked like her temperature dropped.
"BAD BULL" Tyson Came And Knocked it before it hit Nancy. "WOAH!" She commented. Tyson held It. Then it Tossed Its fire. "AH!" Corey Covered his Eyes. Surprisingly I actually did too. "Don't worry! I'm good! You Ok Nancy?" He asked. "GOO!" Shouted Clarrise. The Ares Cabin Her siblings, all Fire a Cannon towards the Blue. The blue was Caught of Guard as it Was Shot..Then it Grumped then used its horns to Grab Clarisse and Toss Her up. Once again, Gold in Slow motion. I could Tell Clarrise formed a Devastating Look. I thought She would Die.. Until Tyson Had enough strength to toss It towards the other Bull. The two of them collided and both went rolling on the floor. Clarisse Fell.
I didn't think, I just used my Wind powers to make sure she was still on her feet.
"HA!" She remarked. Since the Cannon missed and Basically made the place Clear. It looked like a Wild West movie. And Clarrise was in the middle of the Two bulls..
"Oh yeah," She smickered. Then she Took out her long spear. It grew even bigger and electricity came out of it.
"Which One of You wants some first?!" She laughed at both Bulls. Both of Them came Running toward her. Like a Crazy Rodeo, Clarrise Starts Using her Staff to Swing at them when they Tried to come near Her. Not hitting her, but just attacking and getting ready to. The two of them move their hooves indicating it was Time. They Both came. And Clarrise Jabbed her spear into the ground. As the two bulls came, she Used it to spin herself and do a large backflip out of there..Once again terrifying but in Gold Slow motion..She Made it out just in time for the Bulls to Ram into each other. Electrocuting themselves too..
Clarisse Perfectly landed herself. Behind her an explosion happened and Her spear came Flying back near her. Perfectly landing almost in her grasp completely undamaged. "Mwah! Rodeo done well" she kissed her hand. Everyone's Jaws were Dropped. Nancy had the funniest one of them all.
"Heh" Clarisse Shrugged. Everyone Gave out A large Cheer.
"What?" Squeaked Corey. "In the world was T-That?!"
"Sir Balier, I think you forgot this is a Camp of Demigods.-" Chiron Came over sounding Surprised as well.
"Guys! Those Things! This is Call!" Ledger Told is, "My visions were right. I need to Consult The Oracle"
"Oh no," muttered Chiron. "Oracle?" I say. "Yeah. Uh, don't worry. She is dead but technically she is still alive. A mummy I guess." Reinhard added. "But don't get too excited"
"I'm sorry-" Corey was about to say.
"Reinhard and I will help around the camp. Later on, we definitely need to make a Quest."
"Why a Quest?" I say.
"Those Bulls Damaged even more of Britomartis Traps. Especially the Ones that were Even more Dangerous." Ledger Explained, "It turns out. It's not just poison. Someone placed a Curse on those traps and Metals Too"
"What! How and When Did you know this?" Chiron Added.
Ledger Eyes Flickered pink again and he tells us. "I'm able to Sense it"

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