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Ah shucks. It sucks when you have to do work. Trust me. I hardly did any of that in

Meriwether College Prep. The stress, The Time, The pain, THE WORK. We waited until Mr. D Thought The Time was perfect to Release the news during Campfire. Ledger and Reinhard were together discussing and discussing on one of the Desk of the Hermes Cabin in the corner. I just finished doing the equinox counting that Chris Rodriguez asked me to do. I was surprised how easy it actually was. Everyone else was Out training, so good thing no one came in. Raj, Mikey, and Corey climbed through the window. No one saw them. Now they all just sat. The door began to open, we all freaked. The others hid.

"S-Sorry! I woah!" Tripped the Little Japanese Girl

"Alice you ok, what's wrong?" Ledger helped her up.

"I'm sorry Ledger! I needed to Grab My ..My sister's bow and Arrow. She is crying.." She moaned.

She found it.


"Bye" she ran out as fast as she could.

"...Is-" I was about to say.

"Never mind." Ledger shook his head.

Then both he and Reinhard Discussed again, and then it became complaining.

Raj, Mikey, and Corey all came out from their Hiding spots, and they looked at eachother unsurely.

It was too quiet. I thought my gut would twist.

Then Ledger and Reinhard cheered,

"AH AHAHA YES!" They both High-fived.

"What happened?" I asked. Everyone got curious.

Ledger was carrying some type of Car piece. I had a flashback..

Ledger announced "Everyone! We just hacked into Titan army systems! Always available and at your service anytime you like to Spy on our enemies"

"what?" I said

Raj, Mikey, Cade, And Corey went awkwardly silent.

"Never mind" Mumbled Ledger.

"hold on!" Corey goes in to say, "Let me see this..Wow! I haven't seen anything like this before!"

"That's because it was ..Taken..It was a chariot for someone and we uhh..We found something that could locate enemies whenever we like"

looking at it, this chariot piece or whatever, seemed unstable.

"You just type in the password right there! Boom!" Reinhard tells us, "There you go! Able to track any Titan or Monster in a Any Radius"

Corey got an excited expression on his computer nerd face.

"Remind me why the Titans are bad?" Question Cade.

Ledger sighed and went over the basics. Eating babies, distorting Olympus, and causing the apocalypse.

"..Oh" Swalloed Mikey.

"Well, shit. We're in trouble and we chose to get ourselves involved" Blanched Raj.

"Hey, it's fine" Replied Ledger in his language, "We will train you guys."

"Hold up...That thing sounds like can track us" I swallowed as I looked at the Piece again.

Reinahard went dark, "Matt Slaon, this is a world of Greek mythology...I'm pretty sure Titans or Gods don't need to Track us in order to know what we're doing and how to destroy us.."

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