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Your POV

You looked through the window at the unfamiliar houses of a city called Forks. You're from h/t. You'd recently moved there because your dad died. Only when you were six years old. Your mom remarried to a man named Malaird when you were ten, which you thought was too hasty. Now you're fifteen.

"Where are we going?" You asked for the tenth time. 

"Calm down, we're almost to our new home." your mom said. She sat in the seat at front beside Malaird. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your phone. 

After a while, the car stopped at a normal-looking house beside the woods. 

"This is fine..." you said.

The house was musty and really empty. Three bathrooms two kitchens three floors. NICE.

"We'll just start unpacking and settle in." your mom said, kissing Malaird on the cheek (ew).

"Yeah." you said. 

-Timeskip one week-

"Can you please go to school now?!" your mom yelled at you for the fifth time in the past hour.

"Mum, I'm not ready! Plus, there are no schools for me to go to!" you shouted back.

"Yes there is! Just go to Fork High School, it's not very far from here." she said. You groaned.

"So I'm just gonna start my junior year right away? That will suck." you scoffed.

"Yeah. Start next week. I'll enroll you soon." your mom left.

"UGHH." you ran upstairs to your room and jumped on your bed. 

The woods at your window view moved ever so slightly, the gentle wind swishing the trees. It was completely dark. You hoped no animals wandered around the house.

-Timeskip to tmr-

You were walking on the sidewalk of one of your neighborhood streets. It was 4:38 pm right now. You wore a long sleeved shirt, black pants, and a hoodie. It was Oct, which was very cold compared to what you're used to.

You looked behind your shoulder, your h/c h/l hair swishing over your shoulder. A whisper of wind was supposedly behind you, but nothing was there.

"What the heck..." you felt like something or someone was watching you. The empty roads showed nothing.

You just ran the way back to your house. You slammed the front door shut and locked it before sprinting up the stairs and into your room.

You looked outside at the window, staring deep into the woods. Your e/c eyes stared back at you in the window reflection.

"Y/N! Come downstairs for dinner, you locked the front door, right?" your mom shouted at you.

"Yeah! Coming! Weird..." you muttered and ran down the stairs.


You lay in the dark on your bed later on, the pasta in your stomach settling. You stared at the dusty ceiling with cardboard boxes stacked in the corner of the room.

Probably some animal. A cat or owl. You thought, playing with your fingers. Today was Saturday, and you had to go to school on Monday. The term started a month ago, so you had to catch up quickly. 

You rolled to your right side and stared into the digital clock on the nightstand. 10:23 pm. Well goodnight I guess.

-Timeskip to MONDAY-

"First day of school." you grunted, jumping out of bed. 

6:45 am

You brushed your teeth and dressed into a grey shirt and dark blue pants with a zipper hoodie.

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