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Your POV

"I seriously have no idea what's wrong with them!" Bella whispered to you after lunch. It was boring.

"With who?" you asked, shoving your books into your bag as you walked. Anything to distract you from the scents around you.

"The Cullens! They give us weird looks and they try to avoid us." Bella growled.

"Calm down." you hissed. You pushed another student that walked between you and Bella. You were standing two feet away from Bella.

"What's their problem?!" Bella said to you again. You caught Edward's and Rosalie's eye and you looked back at Bella.

You licked your lips gently. "W-well, I don't know." You seriously didn't know. Did they find something off with you? That you were a vampire? They couldn't possibly know.

"Just ignore them." you muttered to her. You glanced at your timetable. Biology II. Shoot. You hated biology II.

You walked in with Bella, luckily Edward wasn't here yet. Curse him.

You sat in the middle spot as usual. You were used to the three of you sitting on one table. It was uncomfortable and you brushed arms, but that was the only thing that irritated you.

The teacher was late. Again. You kept your arm out of the warm sun and under the table. Edward came in. You immediately looked outside the window as he sat beside you. You felt yourself wince at the chair scraping sounds.

It was such an awkward atmosphere in the bubble of you three. 

The teacher came in running with assignments. He handed them out quickly and started to give a long talk about his 'exciting adventure' of the afternoon. You grabbed the sheets and gave one to Bella and Edward. It was about the cellular structure of a human. Excellent. You could find better spots to bite. Just joking.

You felt your red eyes glance at Edward for a second, and you caught his eyes. Apparently, he was staring at you already. His scent made you angry.

"Just fill in what you know, then we can go over the whole thing. You have thirty minutes." Mr Banner yelled out. Genius.

You pulled out your pencil before it decided to tumble out of your hands and under the table.

"Shoot." you muttered, ducking under. You grabbed the pencil, annoyed as you began to sit up.

"Ouch..." you snapped when the back of your head banged on the underside of the table, moving the table by an inch. You sat up again, rubbing your head.

"Um... are you okay?" Edward asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." you said angrily, turning away from him.

Bella didn't pay attention to you or Edward, she was just focusing on her paper. You wrote your name on the paper and threw the pencil on the table.

"Y/n, how did you get red eyes?" Edward asked, leaning in so the other students wouldn't hear your conversation.

You didn't bother looking at him as you put your head on your hand. You didn't even care about your reply, your emotions blocking your common sense.

"Well I just got turned into a monster, no biggie." the moment you said that, your eyes widened. "Uh... I'm kidding I just got new contacts yesterday!" 

Edward paused, confusion written over his perfect face. "Oh."

You covered your nose. Edward's closeness was making you agitated. His scent made you wanna pin him down and bite his neck then drink his blood. But another feeling was telling you that you can't beat him. What's that supposed to mean, inner vampire voice?

"Y/n?" the teacher rapped on the desk. You sat up straight and snatched your pencil up.

"Uh, what?"

"Write something down." he sighed and walked to the table behind you. You rolled your eyes and looked at Bella's paper to copy. Your brain isn't braining right now. You were way too hungry.

"No." Bella pulled the paper away from you. "You're smart enough Y/n, do it yourself."

"Rude." you stuck your tongue out at Bella.

You glanced at Edward's paper. He'd almost finished the first page and was furiously erasing a few wrongly written words.

If he noticed you were copying, Edward didn't pull away or object. So you finished the first page the same time he did. There were five minutes left and two more pages that were double sided. So you gave up and let the teacher start lecturing about the worksheet.

"Are those right?" Bella asked, looking at your paper.

"I dunno." you muttered, your head on your arms. Your head was whirling with your vampire senses. Eat someone or leave them to live? You already had a plan for killing someone. Just drag them in a classroom, lock the door, cover their mouth, then bite them. That would satisfy you. But you controlled yourself and focused on not brushing arms with Edward.

"How do you not know?" Bella grabbed your paper. "You got different answers than I did."

"I'm right, you're wrong." you said automatically, chuckling. 

"Rude." Bella repeated back at you. You chuckled again, your head in your hands as you stared into the desk wood. Your elbow slipped and it touched Edward's arm. SHOOT

You pulled away immediately, and Edward did too. Such a simple thing, yet it was a big problem. You knew vampires had ice-cold skin. No thanks. And just your luck because Edward and you are wearing short sleeves.

You still felt waves of cold radiating on the spot where you touched him, instead of usual warmth. You'd miss being warm as a human. 

Strangely, Edward wasn't warm at all. He was the same temperature, and it was easy to tell because you didn't feel any warmth from his arm. He looked at you, giving you a side-eye.

Edward's POV 

I drifted off, my eyes boring into the wall. I desperately wanted to switch classes. Bella's scent was too welcoming for me. And Y/n was very distracting. The teacher's voice didn't register in my mind very well. My instincts were telling me to shove Y/n aside and taste her blood. Too much? Yeah, that's why I'm in control.

I jerked up and snapped out of my daydream when a sharp, icy feeling got onto my skin. Y/n's arm touched mine. For me, it was not normal for a human being to touch me because my skin is cold. But her skin wasn't warm. Sooooo she's either not human or just has cold skin. She couldn't have been bitten...

I glared at Y/n as she glared at me too. 

Your POV

"Sorry." you muttered. You rubbed your elbow and stood up right away when the bell went off. Biology II was always the most dramatic and worst class.

"Are you... okay?" Bella asked as you pushed the worksheet in your backpack.

"I'm fine." you said in a dull tone. "I'll see you later."


You felt like Edward was something like you. Impossible. He couldn't have been bitten by Victoria or James, so why on earth did it feel like he was one of the most powerful vampires when he wasn't?

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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