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Your POV

You kicked off the thing on top of you as you gasp for breath, your hands pressing against the bite mark on your neck. Blood flowed down your hands. An excruciating pain jumped into your head. You let out a scream that nobody could hear from where you were.

Your vision went in and out of focus.  You bit your lip so hard to prevent another scream that it made your lip bleed out. The humanoid figure that was going in and out of focus stood above you, doing nothing. 

What the HELL did you do?!  you screamed in your head, thrashing around in pain as you gasped for air you didn't need. You felt different and strong.

 "VICTORIA!" a man shouted. The woman turned around.

"You weren't supposed to bite them and leave it! Just kill them!" the man said, advancing. Another person followed, staring into your non-existent soul.

"She deserved to live. She has another scent on her. But I had already bitten her." Victoria said apologetically.

You fell into another spasm. The man that followed the one that shouted at Victoria dragged you to your feet. He swiped a finger on one of your wounds and licked the blood off.

"She's not human anymore." the man said.

"W-what?" you said in a small voice. Your legs felt weak and strong at the same time while you got very thirsty and hungry at the same time too.

"You're not human anymore." the man said. He had long black hair and was very menacing. The other man that tasted your blood had long dark blond hair and a stoic expression.

"What am I? What are you?" you said, shaking. 

"A bloodsucker." Victoria said in an annoyed sing song voice.

"What's that?" 

"A vampire, girl." the man with long black hair said. "You're one of us."

"You're all vampires? But they don't exist..."

You felt dizzy and your blood continued to flow freely, making you hungry and thirsty again. You knew vampires drank blood.

"Let's go." Victoria sighed.

"We can't just leave her. A Newborn like her will stop at nothing to feed. We need to train her." the man with long black hair said sharply.

"Let's teach her to hunt first." the man with blond hair replied.

"What's your name girl?" Victoria asked, coming close to your face. She had dark black eyes, and so did the others.


"Spit it out!" 

"Y/n." you said quickly, ducking your head. Your vision was still a bit fuzzy. 

"Well, I am Laurent and this is James." the man with black hair said gently. 

"Ok. I'm thirsty." you blurted out. Your eyes got redder and brighter by the second. Laurent and Victoria glanced at each other. 

"We'll hunt. You can watch." Victoria said. She nodded her head. "Come on."

You watched the three suddenly sprint away from you at a blur. You looked at your feet. You were not a good runner.

"Hurry! Being a vampire has its perks. Do not dare  run away from us or you will die." Laurent warned. You tensed your legs and ran toward the three other vampires. You could catch up with them easily, maybe you're even faster. You didn't run off, but you could tell you were practically invisible to other people.

"James, find the nearest human being with tasty blood." Laurent ordered.

In the inside, you were really scared. You had no choice to go with the three vampires because you didn't know how to deal with yourself. The aching hunger in your chest felt like searing hot fire.

James sped away and you hurried to follow. Then you stopped when the others did at a warehouse with a man in his late twenties.

"Do it quickly, Newborns will not wait." Laurent told Victoria. Victoria walked into the warehouse and alerted the man before pouncing and snapping his neck. Blood oozed from his neck.

You couldn't help yourself but speed forward and snatch the body up. It was a bit strange to your mind, but the smell of blood was appealing and it made you go into a frenzy. You bit down on the dead's neck wound and drank the blood till no more came.

"Well that's done. Bury the body." Victoria said to you. You wiped the blood from your mouth and looked at the mess you made. It made you sick, but you couldn't stop yourself in time. 

You dug a hole in the ground fast and threw the body in before shoving the dirt on top.

Victoria suddenly whispered into Laurent's and James' ears as you finished up.

"You have fangs." Victoria said in a hiss.

"I do?" 

You moved your tongue and felt sharp fangs near the front of your mouth. You looked at Victoria, whose mouth didn't bear fangs, just normal teeth.

"Why?" You asked her, worried.

"I don't know. Vampires don't have fangs." Laurent said.

"Only in stories." James muttered.

The next few minutes were a long run back to Forks.

"We will be watching you everyday." Laurent said. "Don't worry if some humans die in a few days."

You gaped. "But how will I go to school? People will notice my eye color change and I will kill them."

"Just hold it in. We don't want anyone to discover us." Victoria snarled. "And do. Not. Dare. Speak of this to anybody." 

"Vampires don't eat food and don't drink anything. If you have to, you must throw it up. Don't let anybody touch you because you have cold skin." Laurent explained. "We will see you tomorrow at 8:00 pm."

"Don't go into the sunlight, ever. Your skin will sparkle and people will notice quickly. And be careful of your inhuman powers."

You gulped and nodded before waving weakly at the three.

You opened the front door and inhaled the fresh scent of blood and ignored the roasted potatoes on the dining table.

"Y/n! You're so late, it's eleven right now!" your mom hugged you tightly. 

"Yeah, I got caught up with something." you stiffened when she hugged you. You felt like biting her head off and drinking the delicious blood she held. 

"Your food is cold." your 'dad' grunted from the couch. Him, you could kill.

"Oh honey, you look tired. Get to bed. You're not hungry?" your mom asked.

"Uh- no no I'm not." you said.

You sat awake in your room, searching up stuff about vampires. There was an article about werewolves and vampires, but you ignored that one. Apparently, VAMPIRES DON'T SLEEP WHAT THE HECK.

You groaned and sat on your bed, waiting for the sun to rise. You went to the bathroom, but you didn't need to pee because vampires don't eat anything so they don't pee anything. You looked into the mirror and saw that your face was perfect and your skin was pale. Your crimson eyes showed clearly throughout your whole body. You opened your mouth to inspect the fangs.

"Stupid. I'm a monster now." you felt like crying, but no tears came out because vampires don't cry either. UGH

You tested out your new vampire powers. Super speed and strength. No need for food or water. No sleep. No crying. Drink blood forever. Super smell. Sparkly skin in sunlight. And very beautiful, but that's not a power. 

You felt angry next moment and channeled all of it to beat up your pillow to shreds. No need for it anyway. Feathers littered the bed sheets quickly.

You refrained yourself from yelling and just lay defeated on your bed. You're a vampire, so suck it up and get ready for school now.

DISCONTINUED| Bite me (Twilight x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now