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Your POV

You pretended to sound tired when your 'dad' came to remind you to get ready for school. You didn't sleep at all but learn about vampires. Laurent, Victoria, and James would tell you about vampires tonight anyway.

"Good sleep?" your 'dad' asked you when you came out. Sounds like teasing if you knew

"Yup." you lied.

It was 6:57 am right now. You're running late.

"Bye, I'll see you later tonight." you said to your parents.

"Oh why?"

"I'm going to my friend's house. For a project." you lied again, gritting your teeth.

"Ok. Stay safe!" your mom said.

You were very lucky your parents didn't pay attention to you often or hover over. Your crimson eyes were literally the main attraction of your face and they didn't notice. Pretty dumb.

Now for school. You ran there, no one really awake in the morning to see a blur of h/c hair.

"Hey Y/n? Wow, you look different." Bella said, surprised as she raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, you noticed?" you got very nervous. You felt a feeling of ecstasy at one sniff of her blood. It drew you near, so you pulled her into a hug. You took a long, silent whiff beside her head and licked your lips. Her blood smelt different than others. You felt another spasm of hunger and flinched when she got closer.

"Class is starting." Bella said. The two of you met up with Eric, Mike, and Angela. Jessica was sick today.

You smelt another scent, strong and vampire-ish. Your head swiveled and your crimson eyes met the many of the Cullens'. They whispered and you felt a pound of hunger again. 

"Come on." Bella grabbed you and you continued to look at the Cullens. Bella glanced at Edward and then the eye contact broke when the door blocked the way.

"They stared at us like we're a piece of meat and they're the carnivores." Bella whispered to you once settled in English.

"We are pieces of meat."

"Not the point. Did you do something?"

"It probably wasn't my fault then." you said. 

"Your eyes!" Bella suddenly gasped. A few other students turned to look. "They're red!"

You blinked long. "Um, yeah I got new contacts."

Bella shrugged. "Cool. It looks good."

You felt nervous. You chose the seat away from the window so you won't touch the sunlight.

"Class, today we are writing descriptive essays. One thousand words minimum, got it?" the teacher shouted, quieting the class right away.

You smelled the scent of iron and quickly looked down to avoid eye contact. It wasn't easy to ignore the thought of pouncing on a student and biting their throat. You felt the sharp fangs in your mouth with the tip of your tongue. 

"Y/n." Bella whispered. You snapped your head to look at her.


"Pay attention. You look hungry..."

"I am." you replied with a gulp. "I didn't eat breakfast today."

Bella looked you in the face for a bit before grabbing lined pieces of paper. You flicked your h/l hair back and took out your pencil.

English ended with a drowsy silence since everyone was writing quietly. Next you had American History. Boring. But your mom made you get because she wanted you to learn more about America. 

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