Chapter 1 This can't be happening

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Katniss pov.

I jolt awake. I look around and see that I'm in a hovercraft. I look over and see Beetee lying next to me, I stand up and before I open the door I hear talking. "She's gonna lose it when she finds out, this is gonna break her" Haymitch says. What are they talking about? The door opens and the first thing I see is Peeta, I run into his arms relieved that he's okay. "What's going on", I ask "Are we going back to 12?" Peeta shakes his head, "Katniss, no we can't there is no district 12, the capital they bombed it" As if that news wasn't bad enough, "We're on our way to 13 Plutarch says, this is the revelation and you're the Mockingjay" "But Haymitch says your sister" He pauses, "What?" I ask desperately. "What about Prim", "Where is she"? "In the Capital, Snow has her and Johanna" I fall to my knees, I cover my ears and start screaming as horrible images of Prim being tortured flood my mind. Peeta wraps his arm around me and tries to calm me but it's no use. I feel a needle prick my neck and everything goes black.

I wake up in a hospital bed with my mom and Peeta sitting next to me, "Where are we", I ask. "13" my mom says not looking at me, "Where's Gale"? "He's here", Mom says, "Do you want me to get him", I nod, and my mom leaves the room leaving Peeta and I alone. "They're gone", Peeta mumbles. "Who"? I ask. "My family," Peeta says. "They're all gone" "Oh Peeta", I say standing up from my bed, "I'm so sorry", I hug him, and he hugs me back crying into my shoulder. Gale walks in just as we're breaking apart, "How'd Prim get taken" I ask. Gale looks down, "We were running from the bombs, and they just grabbed her, Catnip, I tried to save her" I can tell he's trying not to cry. "It wasn't your fault Gale" I say.

I found out later from Finnick that Annie was taken by the capital too, he's been distraught ever since, I sit in the cafeteria with Peeta and mom on either side of me and Gale sitting across from us, I really have no appetite but I eat mostly to please them, the capital anthem plays over the speakers and the tv's come on, and Caesar appears on the screens "Hello, to all of Panem, I would like to welcome a very special guest please welcome the sister to the girl on fire, Mrs Primrose Everdeen" The camera pans to my sister and I stand up and walk closer to the screen, to my relief she looks fine, better than fine, she looks flawless her hair is curled resting on her shoulders and she's wearing a white dress, "Welcome Primrose" Caesar says. "It's Prim", My sister corrects politely. "Prim", Caesar says, "How are you?" "I'm doing okay", She says with a small smile, but I can tell it's a fake smile, "Now Prim" Caesar says "What are your thoughts on what's happening with your sister and her betrayal of panem?" This is one of the few times I've seen Prim angry, "She didn't betray anyone" 'The only thing she's ever done is try to save herself and the people she loves, just like anyone would. "But" Caesar says "You saw the footage you saw her blow out the arena" Prim thinks for a few minutes before speaking, "I don't know why she blew out the arena, I didn't know about any of this until I was brought here" "So you don't think it was a betrayal of the people who have done so much for her and her family?" Prim gives Caesar a death glare, "you mean the same people who forced her to compete in two hunger games?" "The same people who destroyed my home, murdered my friends!, " dragged me away from my mother! "Put me in handcuffs and treated me like a common criminal!" By this point she's standing up with her hands on the arms of Caesar's chair, Caesar puts his hands on Prim's shoulders and lowers her back onto her chair, "Okay" he says, "Why don't we talk about something else for a bit?" Prim nods "would you be willing to speak about the uprising" "Sure" Prim says. She turns to the camera, "I think we all need to stop and think about what this all could mean, we tried this before and we almost went extinct and now our numbers are even fewer, this isn't the answer, everyone should lay down their weapons immediately, "Thank you Prim", Caesar says, before the camera cuts off, now I've completely lost my appetite I stand up and leave before anyone can stop me.

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