Chapter 5 What have they done to you?

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Later I sit in the cafeteria eating dinner with my mom Peeta and Gale, "Katniss" Bogs says "You're wanted in command" I follow Boggs into the command room I run in when I hear Prim's voice, I choke back a sob when I see her, she looks even worse and this time they didn't even try to hide it. Her hair has been shorn and she's not wearing a fancy dress she's wearing prison clothes, it also looks like she's been recently beaten. "What have they done to you?" I Whisper, "Katniss", she says, "Please think about it, how will this end?" "No one is safe, not here in the capital or in any of the districts" She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath when she opens her eyes they have a frantic look in them "Katniss they're coming!" She shouts just as two peacekeepers grab her."They're coming to bomb 13 hide, or you'll be dead by morning!" The screen cuts off."We have to get her out before they kill her. "

Prim pov.
"You're quite the trouble maker, aren't you, Mrs Everdeen?" Snow says,"Did you really think I wasn't gonna say anything about it? " I ask him. he motions for the peacekeepers to take me away, I'm trying to hide it but I'm terrified, they force me into the same room they always torture me in and strap me to a board the man with the white lab coat who I learned is name Dr Brenton loads his syringe they hook me up to an IV and the Brenton injects the needle into the IV almost instantly my insides begin to burn in pain I scream and struggle against my restraints but it's no use, they screen comes on and Katniss appears on the screen except her appearance is different she looks demented evil I watch as she murders my friend Ivy and stands near the explosion that killed my father laughing, she chases me with her bow telling me she's gonna kill me" "NO"! I scream, "IT'S NOT REAL!" Brenton injects the syringe again and more footage of Katniss doing terrible things, "Katniss is a mutt" He says "We created her" "She's not your sister, you have no sister and you never did!" I look at the screen and realize he's right. That thing tricked me into thinking she was my sister when all she did was hurt me. "She's a mutt," I growl, "and she needs to die." Snow smiles.

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