Acrostic Poems

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your smIle makes my heart fLy fOr miles.
craVing your touch while your eyes paint
oceans in my mind...
needing your lips on minE.
feeling serene when i'm with you,
cherishing every giggle and kiss.
exposing parts of me that i've kept hidden,
You know how to make me feel safe.
finding safety in your voice, your touch.
safety in your lOve-
with yoU.

Baby Bird
broken wings,
sinking hope.
i can't do this on My own.
leaving the nest meant leaving yOu.
needing your deTermination,
for my success.
sHivering, cold, tired-
plEase let me be youR baby bird.

singing, dancing
Feeling fRee.
nobody can stop mE.
i don't carE about
your opinion.
i am FREE.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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