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season one, episode three:
and strokes of goodwill

✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈  season one, episode three: and strokes of goodwill

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"Hot food from a hot man." Oleg asserted as he dinged the bell on the counter, pushing the plate towards Max. Christina couldn't help the laugh that followed as she passed the two watching as Oleg turned to her and winked, she didn't get mad, the moment was too comedic for her to be upset.

Caroline started heading toward them with a confused expression, "Max, a woman in my section wants to know if we do anything gluten-free. What do I tell her?"

"Tell her to kiss our ass!" Milo shouted as he walked around with a tray filled of beverages.

Max rolled her eyes at his words while Christina took the moment to actually work and ask a couple in the booth if they needed anything still being able to hear Max conversate with her sister. "Tell her she's not allergic to gluten, she's just masking an eating disorder."

She stopped listening and zoned back into the customer in front of her who continued to complain over an order he made. Claiming he didn't like it, yet he had specifically told his wife he wanted to try something new. That was now his problem, not Christina's.

"I just don't see why I can't change my order. It's not like I finished it..." The bald man said, his wife stared at him with an irritated expression. Even the plate before him seemed dull and for someone who claimed that he didn't finish it all that seemed to be left of it was a piece of crust. She wasn't about to have Oleg cause a scene over this.

"Come on waitress! Do your job!"

The man wasn't that loud, but he was loud enough for someone near them to hear the commotion. He stopped what he had been doing without a care in the world and walked towards the trio feigning concern for the man. "Is there a problem?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01 ⏰

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