Chapter 2 - Love Story

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I woke up late the next morning, at around ten.
"Good morning, drama queen," Tony greets me.
"I'm literally the least dramatic person in this house," I reply, "Especially when our father is home," I add, shooting a glare toward him.
He turned around, looking annoyed. He thinks for a moment but decides not to say anything. He opens the fridge and grabs a beer instead.
"You drink too much, dear," My mother's soft voice says from the table.
"I wonder why?" He says sarcastically, looking at Tony and me.
"Hey, we didn't ask to be born," I sass back, "If you can't handle kids, you shouldn't have had any."
"Most kids aren't you," He shoots back, "Most kids are better behaved."
"And most parents put an effort into raising their kids," I challenge.
"Okay, okay!" My mother says, standing up and getting between us, "That is enough of that, calm down, both of you!" She scolds.
"Whatever," I shout, "I'm going out. I can't stand being in a room with this shit excuse of a father."
My father slams his hand on the counter, then turns around, glaring at me. He takes a deep breath, "Language," He scolds, trying to be calm.
I roll my eyes and leave.
I walk to a little coffee shop. It's owned by a larger family. A couple with five children. They're nice people, and they make excellent coffee.
"Good morning, Olive!" Sarah, the owner, greets me, her voice bubbly and happy, "What brings you in today?"
"I almost got kidnapped yesterday," I say, "So unfortunately, my parents had to come home. I'm a horrible child!" I say the last line sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
"Oh, darling, I'm so sorry," She rushes over and pulls me into a hug, "And you're a lovely child. I wish I had a daughter like you!"
"Oh, you're just saying that to be nice!" I smile at her, enjoying her hug.
"Hey, Mom?" A voice calls from behind the counter, "Where are the coffee filters?"
"Top shelf, Jason," Sarah replies, then turns back to me, "You haven't met Jason yet, have you Olive? He's my youngest son, started working here this week!"
"I have not met him, no," I tell her.
"Well, I can't have that!" She tells me, turning back to her son, "Jason, dear, come here when you have a moment!"
"Okay!" He replies, reaching up to the top shelf, and putting the filters back. He turns around and walks up to us, "Everything alright?" He asks, sounding nervous.
"No, it is not alright!" Sarah says will a huge smile, "You haven't met Olive yet! She's my favourite customer!"
Jason smiles at me, sticking out his hand, "You're Olive? My mom never stops talking about you," He tells me with a laugh, "It's great to finally meet you."
"Great to meet you as well," I tell him, shaking his hand.
Sarah is beaming, her smile so big it looked almost painful, "What can I get you, Olive?" She asks me.
"Oh, how about a cappuccino? Your family are the only other people other than my mother who knows how to make them well," I tell her.
Sarah smiles, "I'm flattered," She tells me, "I'll get that started for you, dear. Jason, come, I'll show you how to make it before your shift ends.
"Jason nods, looking excited, "Yay!" He squeaks, then looks embarrassed.
A minute or so later, Jason hands me my coffee, "Mind if I sit with you?" He asks, looking flustered, "I should get to know our best customer."
"Yes, please, sit," I tell him, gesturing to the chair across from me.
We chat. Sarah stays at the bar, cleaning and making the occasional coffee. It was slow, so I was surprised she wasn't joining us. She usually sits with me while I have my coffee.

After a few hours and about half a dozen cups of coffee, I remember I have a family that might be worried about me. Well, a brother who might be worried about me.
"I really should get going," I tell Jason, who is still sitting with me. He looks a little sad, "Do you work tomorrow?" I ask.
He smiles at my question, "Yes!" He tells me excitedly.
"I'll have to stop by again tomorrow," I tell him, "I feel we're going to get along well, which is rare for me."
He looks confused, "You, really?"
"Yes, honest,"
"Well, most people's interest in me is more an interest in my money," I tell him, feeling confused now too. Does he not know who I am? The thought makes me happy.
He tilts his head, "I'm not following, sorry,"
"Do you know who I am?" I ask, shocked.
"Um, Olive? Our best customer," He laughs nervously.
I look up at Sarah, then back to my new friend, "I'm Olive Stark, daughter of Howard Stark. Tony Stark's sister."
His face goes pale, "Oh my gosh, no way!" He turns to look at his mother, "How did you not tell me that?"She smiles, saying nothing. He turns back to me, "I can't believe I didn't recognize you, wow," He says, still shocked.
"Usually when I'm out I wear makeup and do my hair, glam up, you know?" I tell him, "I like to lay low here, nobody bothers me."
He nods, "Totally,"I smile, then say my goodbyes and walk back home.
My parents were gone. Tony was worried but was happy to know I was with Sarah at the coffee shop.

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