2: Her lips

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    When I woke up, I couldn't tell what time it was. There weren't any clocks or anyway to tell the time. 

I shuffled my hands around me to search for my phone, but I couldn't feel it anywhere near me. Which is weird since I had it right before I fell asleep.

All the girls wanted to have a "sleepover" so we slept on the floor. All of us except for Eva of course. Ms "cult leader" has her own master bedroom to sleep in.

So I tiptoed around all the sleeping bodies to get to Eva's room. But as I was about to open her door, I noticed the bathroom door was slightly opened. As I kept staring, a pair of eyes revealed themselves.

I jerked back as a figure started coming closer to the door entrance.

"What are You doing up this early?" Jade whispered.

Phew. It's not a monster. Just Jade.

"Bitch you scared me, I could ask you the same question," I chuckled quietly.

"I had to pee... were you going into Eva's room?" Jade asked.

"Yeah I need to talk to her," I responded.

Then Jade just looked at me with a worried expression and asked why.

"I know that bitch took my phone, I need to call an Uber and get the fuck outta here," I answered.

Jade stared at the floor for a second before saying "If she wants you, she'll have you, and there's nothing you can say to change that."

She whispered before walking back to the other girls.

That was creepy as hell. But I'm still getting my phone back.

I opened Eva's door as quietly as I could.

Which made me look stupid because she was already awake.

She was sitting up on her bed.

"Oh... you're already awake," I said.

"Is there anything wrong?" She asked.

"I know you took my phone, I need it back," I said.

She looked at me confused.

"I don't know what you mean,"

"Eva, don't play with me right now, give me my phone!" I said loudly.

"Shhh, calm down," she said as she stood up, now facing me.

She placed her hands on my shoulders and smiled at me.

She looked me in my eyes, and for a second, I got lost in hers. But I wasn't gonna fall for any bullshit she was tryna pull.

"Give. Me. My. Phone. Eva," I whispered sternly.

She bit her lip while still making eye contact.

"We're gonna do something," she said.

"When I snap my fingers, I want you to tell me your name,"

I sighed in frustration.

"Eva, I don't have time for this, I need to leave!" I shouted.

At this point, I'm sure everyone is awake.

She snapped. "What's your name?"

"...Jax," I said under my breath.

I couldn't keep myself from staring into her gaze.
As frustrated as I was, she intrigued me. And my eyes were completely set on her.

"What are You feeling right now?" She asked.

I took a deep breath before responding.

"I'm frustrated, I just wanna go home," I said honestly.

She ran her hands down my arms. Then she placed them around her neck, and placed her hands on my waist. All while maintaining eye contact.

It made me... feel things.

She slowly caressed the sides of my body and placed her head on my shoulder.

She snapped again. "What's your name?"

"...Jax," I whispered.

"What are feeling now?" She asked.

I was hesitant to answer. My breathing also started to speed up. I was a bit nervous now.

"I feel... um... calm," I said softly.

"Is that all you feel?" She whispered.

It definitely wasn't all I felt.

"I also love the way your hands feel on my body," I whispered back.

I don't know what came over me. I'd never admit to that.

Then, she slowly kissed my neck with her arms stilled wrapped around me.

I softly moaned under my breath.

Then she faced me again.

And she snapped.

"Jax," I whispered.

"Jax... at least stay the rest of the week," she spoke.

"Okay... but I need my phone to call out of work," I responded.

Eva turned around and took my phone from underneath her pillow.  

I knew that bitch had it!

She handed me my phone and I immediately walked out.

That dumb bitch. I'm not staying the rest of the week. She got me fucked up.

I walked outside and sat on the patio. I went to the Uber app and tried to order one. But for some reason it wasn't working. I exited the app and tried calling my friend Ky.

But the calls didn't go through.

I then heard the front door open. It was Eva.

"Did you really like how my hands felt on your body?" She asked.

"Doesn't matter, I'm leaving," I said.

"How? Nothing's working,"

"What the fuck did you do?!" I shouted.

She snapped.

"Fuck. You." I said.

She stared at me.

We made eye contact for what felt like ages, until I broke it. And my breathing started to slow down.

"Jax..." I said.

"Jax, let's make a deal," she said.

"If you sleep with me... you have to stay,"

Ugh as if!

"Deal. I don't even like being in the same room as you," I spat before walking back inside.

Once I got inside all the girls stood there looking at me.

"Tell me you didn't make the deal," Jade asked.

Then Eva walked in.

"She did," was all she said before waking back into her room.

How does this bitch hear everything we talk about?

All the girls sighed in disappointment.

"What? How hard is it to not fuck someone?" I asked.

"Really hard," Jayla said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Good luck," Jade said.

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