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"I'm stuffed,"

"You took a good whack at eating all that," I smiled, "I can save the rest,"

"Okay. I might need to lay down now,"

"Go on, I'll tidy up and then I'll be in my room,"

For a moment, she sat still, then she pushed herself off the sofa and left with the blanket wrapped round her. I took our pizza boxes to the kitchen and stored her leftovers, then threw it all away and went upstairs, having a quick shower. Her tv was on, so she was occupied.

Gabi had been wanting to call me all day, so once I was dried, I facetimed her, climbing into my own bed. She answered with a huge grin then threw her phone onto her bed, returning with her hair tied up. She looked exhausted, but happy nonetheless.

"Ashton, I don't know how but I got to stand in the operating room today for a brain surgery,"

"Oh wow, that's amazing!"

"Yeah, I made sure everyone had water,"

"Very important," I smiled, "I'm very happy for you! It sounds like you're doing amazing on your placement,"

"It ends this week but it has been really fun, I'm happy I can go into the hospital and be okay,"

"That is good, I'm jealous of you right now,"

She giggled and climbed under her covers, smiling at me.

"How is Alyssa?"

"She's good, you can all meet her soon, but not just yet. It's all very overwhelming,"

"Is she nice?"

"She is,"

"I miss having you over all the time,"

"We'll have to do a fake dad swap,"

"My dad is not anyones fake dad," she said firmly.

"Then it's a bit hypocritical,"

"He isn't! Does she call you dad?"

"It's only been a few days, she doesn't. We're on a mission to find her brother, I think that will help,"

"Oh, cool. So will you be over for my birthday soon?"


"But you spent every single birthday ever with me,"

"I plan to come,"

"Fine. Mum wants me to help tidy up from tea now,"

"Alright. That's awesome news about today, I'm proud of you,"

"Okay. Bye,"

She ended the call and I sighed, closing my eyes. I knew Gabi wouldn't be the biggest fan of all this when it actually happened, even though she was so excited about it all. She was getting better with change, but this was a pretty big one- I was sure Alyssa would get along with her, and my friends, just fine. I wasn't going to give up alone time with Gabi all together- it was reduced, and I would miss it, but I had my own family starting now. It was so incredibly important to me.

"Who was that?"

"My niece. Are you okay?"

"If you want to go and see her you can. Imma go to bed," Alyssa said, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm not leaving you here alone, it's okay. She can wait, she's seen plenty of times,"

"You love her a lot,"

"I do, but she has all her other uncles,"

"Fake ones?"


"Are they my uncles then?"

"If you would like! You don't have to call them that, but they will probably be very important people in your life,"

"I don't think I will because I don't wanna call her my cousin. I have real cousins,"

"That's okay,"

"I know they're probably bad people and they are in trouble with the law but they looked after me,"

"I have no say in what you call anyone, that's your call. It might take a while to feel comfortable around my friends,"

"They didn't mean to hurt anyone,"

I pat the spot next to me on the bed and she climbed up, sitting cross legged near me. It clearly wasn't about Gabi and my friends anymore, and I wasn't gonna let her dwell on that all alone.

"They were good, they just did some dodgy stuff, but that was so we could afford food. I know they should've got a proper job but they didn't, and they were good to us,"

"It's normal to miss the people who kept you safe... I can't tell you who to like or not like. It's a tricky topic, but I'll keep you safe here, and I will show you love, and care for you, and you'll hopefully feel comfortable again,"

"I'm not saying they were perfect, but they weren't evil,"

"You know that, in your heart. Even if no one else gets it,"

"Everyone else kept saying that they must be horrible because they're in trouble,"

"They provided for you when you were a kid and you are grateful, and that is okay. You can't ignore that they have done bad things, but you can acknowledge that you are grateful for what they did for you,"

"It's been a confusing and very hard month,"

"I bet it has sweetheart, you have a lot on your mind!"

"I do,"

"Well I will always listen,"

"I do like it here and I like you. Please don't send me back,"

"I'm not sending you anywhere,"

"Okay. I've been thinking about school a bit just now,"

"Oh right, what are you thinking?"

"Is everyone in that private school gonna own ten houses and a horse?"


"I'll really not fit in,"

"It's up to you, we can take a look. They have loads of clubs, and they do have really great staff who will accommodate to anything you might need,"

"We can look, Axel would kick me for denying the chance to go to private school,"

"Alright, but you don't have to go, and you don't have to lie because you think its what I wanna hear,"

She nodded, then tucked her legs up to her chin, sniffling.

"So many kids from that group home would love you. They have been there longer,"

"No, darling, you do not have to feel guilty. Every kid deserved a good home, and I really hope they find their match soon, but you are just as deserving,"


"I'm so happy to have you here,"

"Okay. I'm happy too,"

"Why don't you try and get some sleep? I know it's early but you've had a long day,"

"I will. Goodnight,"

I watched as she left, leaving my door open which meant I could watch her go to her room, where she harshly shut the door. Clearly I was the only person she had spoken to about all this, and it was a lot for her to feel, but I hoped I could help her through it all.

Doing probably the same as her, I put my tv on and watched it for a bit since I usually didn't give myself much chance to sit back and rest. I was so invested I didn't see my phone ringing until the second time. It was no caller ID, and any other day I would've ignored it, but since I was on high alert I didn't.
Just this once.

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