chapter 13

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Angel Naidoo

Today is surtday and we usually have lunch , but everyone is unavailable.  Promise is getting divorced wich means that she might not be part of out friendship in the near future , Dikeledi has problems with her husband Also Ntokozo.  Well masindi said that her mother is in town so she is still spending time with her it seems like I am the only one without problems.

For the first time I am bored in my life and I dont know what to do , Rashad went out to God knows where . I decided to go and do some shopping becouse I can't just lock myself in the  house all day , maybe have some lunch while out .

I see Masindi's husband approaching  me while I was busy shopping.

" hey " He says while brushing his head

"Hi" I say with attitude

" can we talk "

" uhm Okey talk you five minutes starting now "

" Can you please not tell Masindi about what you saw that day " He says

"Oh if I wanted to tell her I would have done  that the minute I saw you with that guy , even though I told Ntokozo but she said i shouldn't tell Masindi becouse it was your anniversary whatsoever or alse she will tell Rashad about me tying my tubes " I hold my mouth as those words slipped  out of my mouth

" Thank you,  I also won't tell your husband about your little secret " with that he walked out . Damn

Ntokozo Moloi

Everyone left even my mother,  she is still mad becouse off how I reacted to the news I hope she wasn't expecting me to just sit down and let my man take another wife . Am I not enough for him to even consider taking another wife , I mean I clean this house alone we don't have a maid , I cook for him ,I wash for him and  take care of his kids .

It is true when they says man are dogs and ungrateful out there.  I mean I was out here thinking that my man was different but than he proved me wrong I bet he had cheated on me before. My phone rings my mom is calling I watch it ring till she hungs up , but than she calls again almost immediately this time I answer.

Me : hello

Mom: You are going to agree that your husband takes another wife .

Me : no

Mom: I wasn't asking you I was telling you , now you will do as I say and stop this childish behavior , you also have to apologize to your in laws for your behavior.  You can't go around embarrassing me like that or do you want to be useless like your sister nxx.

With that she hung up , this one thinks that she owns me .

Masindi Tshabalala

My mother come by today,  she is here to stay for a week than she will go back to Botswana.  Both of my parents are business people also my in laws I come from a rich family , I am a rich kid . She is only here becouse I told her that I am pregnant,  I don't remember when last I saw here but than as long as she supports me financially along my husband we are good .

My mom is my bestfriend we talk about everything even boys,  just like today we went to a spa you know to get a full body wax and also get our nails did .right now we were doing our pedi as we were chatting .

"Morning sickness hasn't started yet I can't wait for it and also mood swings . " I say happyily

" And by the way you will want sex twenty four seven,  are you using that coconut trick that I tought you " she aks with a wink

" every night, I wouldn't be pregnant if I didn't do it " I say while drinking my orange juice .

" Good Girl, I should teach you some new tricks that I learnt in the past years " she says and we laugh , the person who is doing my nails shakes her head but I don't mind her

Ntokozo moloi

Muzi Walks in while I am busy reading a novel .he walked upstairs without saying a word , minutes later he comes down and goes to the kitchen than comes back to where I am sitting .

" Did you cook something I'm hungry? " He aks

" Nope" I say without looking at him .

" Why? "

" Well my kids people who are loyal to me are not here so who should I cook for a traitor ?" I aks

" Are you bieng for real "

" Yes I am " I say while looking at him

" You know , I am going to take sma as my second wife whether you like it or not.  I am your husband and you are going to be by my side and support me whether you like it or not ." He says I open my mouth to say something but no word comes out .

" You don't have to say anything,  of you want to leave me than go becouse I won't keep on begging you to stay . I love and I've done everything I  could so that I could see you happy but you don't see that , you only see my mistakes not the rights that I do " He says

" Nah you are not about to blame for what you are about to do " I say

" I am not blaming you you are just acting childish but not as a women and a mother of three kids "

" Okey since you are taking a second wife would you be happy if I took a second husband,  who I will be with when you are with your second wife ?"

"You know what do as you please , who knows maybe you will cook for your second husband. since you didn't cook I will go over Smangele's house maybe she did cook something and I will sleep full than to be with you while starving " He walked out after saying that leaving me shocked , he didn't mean that did he .

Promise khoza

I am meeting up with my lawyer today,  she is running a bit late becouse she was at court and it kind it took long for it to end . She walked in twenty minutes late , I was with my sister .

"Sorry I am late " she says after greeting us " Promise did you get involved in a accident and you didn't tell me ?" She says as soon as she notices me in a wheelchair .

" I don't want to get in to details but mbuso did this to me and that's why we are divorcing " I say

" you didn't report him , girl you could gain a lot from this case and put that abusers ass in jail ."

" look I know you mean well but I just want a clean divorce,  I am tired I want to get out of this while sane . I just want breathe and live my life peacefully " I say

" Okey let's start , you know you got married in community of property,  what is yours it is his . You will get 50% each from the house the company and also other things he owns " he starts off .

" I don't want anything,  I just want him to Leave me alone he can take everything except for the money in  my bank account " I say

" Are you sure , there Is nothing that is interesting like seeing couples fight for their things .I mean you deserve everything after all you are the one who ended up on a wheelchair,"

" I don't want anything from him " I say

" Okey if you say so " she says as she wright's something down

" I have an appointment with my doctor I have to go " I say as I call over my sister , she didn't sit with us through out the meeting she was giving us some space .

" Okey Promise I will be in touch "my lawyer says

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