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Next Day.....

Around 6 pm .....

Kareena came out of the Airport hand in hand with a suitcase in Haseena 's right hand.......

They approach the taxi stand and book a taxi which drops them outside the hotel Sunshine.....

They went to reception and the Male Attendant welcomed them.......

Attendant- How May I help you Mam......(Asking them)

KS - hume room chaiye......

Attendant-Yah sure Mam.....(over smiles).....
Two rooms mam.......

KS- No .....we want one room......

Attendant- ohh .. ......sorry So you wanted a room for 2 with separate beds ......(again over smiles)...

Haseena who is burning in jealous because the attendant is drooling over her wife......intrupted them......

HM- We wanted a couple room......

Attendant - Ohh ......Okay.....Can you give me your ID ......

HM - Sure ... .....

Haseena takes out her wallet from back pocket and give her ID card for verification......

After one minute.....

Attendant- here are you keys Mam..... Enjoy your stay ......

Haseena graps keys in right hand with suitcase.....and hold Karishma 's hand and left the reception.......



In room.......

They entered the room.......which has a attached balcony with it.......

KS- hasu......

HM- hmmm......(while keeping suitcase on a corner shelf)....

KS- aap jealous ho rhi thi na.......(keeps her hands around Haseena 's neck)

HM- kise jealous......(wraps her hands around Karishma 's waist)......

KS- usse Attendant se......jo smile karke humse baat kar Raha tha......

HM- Haa too ........vo humri biwi ko line marga.....
Dant dehakar smile karga to usske dant tor na de hum......huh.....(Angerily).....

KS - arey bhas ........(kisses her cheeks)....

Haseena smiles.....

HM- aap fresh ho jay.....,hum kuch khane ke liye magate hai.......

KS- hum gumne kab chalege.......

HM -Kal se......

KS- hmm.....

Karishma went to washroom.......

Haseena takes the receiver and calls in reception......

HM- heelo

Reception - How Can I help you.......

HM- this is room 3102......I wanted to order dinner......

Reception - Sure Mam .......what would you like to order .......

Kareena 's Arrange Marriage जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें