Joining Duty .....

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Hello guys.......hope you all are doing good.....

Here is the next part........

My lovely readers I know you are not liking this plot of story.......but cooperate with me....after  sometime I will bring the joint family plot again......

I have brought this plot because your demand was Kareena time .......and in joint family their own time was ..... please co-operate I will definitely try to bring the old plot.......


At Dehradun Airport.....

Haseena and Karishma are sitting on their flight which is going to fly ........

After five minutes the flight takes off........

And Karishma sleeps by keeping her head on Haseena's shoulder.......

But sleep was far away from Haseena 's eyes......but Haseena closes her eyes......and remembers the happy time with her family.....


Haseena gets her memory back after she comes in contact with her work......and constant care of her lovely wife.....

Karishma spent more time with a child Haseena.........

Haseena has recovered completely and now joined her office.......but something has changed.......the old workaholic Haseena was no more ......

Haseena used to come early and spent time with her wife......and takes an off on Sunday and also takes Karishma out on dinner or date on Sunday....

Karishma also makes designs with Akshara.....and attend some exhibitions with her......

And talking about relationship between Naksh and good......

After 6 months

One Fine Evening......

Haseena came home from office.......

Haseena went towards their room....

Karishma is making some designs......while sitting on the sofa......

Haseena enters in the room ......keeps her laptop bag on the study table.......and ....

KS- Aagye aap ......

HM- hmmm.....

KS- kese Raha din.....

Karishma gets up fills a glass of water from side table.....

HM- Accha tha.....(while sitting on the sofa)....

KS- yeh le......(forwarding the glass)

HM- thanks.....(taking the glass)

Karishma sits beside Haseena and again starts doing her design......

HM- aapka din kese tha Karishma ji.....

Kareena 's Arrange Marriage जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें