-+* Smg3 *+-

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💜 He's gay, there's no straight thought that goes through his head about men, he's gay and he knows it but denies it heavily. (There is no excuse for him to be as gay as he is)

💜 He has autism and has heavy sensory issues. He doesn't like people touching him without his permission at all. The only living thing that can touch him without permission is Eggdog because he can get upset with him ever.

💜 Being the only human in the internet graveyard and claimed ruler puts a lot of stress on him. Having to do everything by yourself without help and not giving himself breaks. The only time he takes a break is when he streams and that's still work for him even if he's having fun.

💜 He's very caring about the dead meme in the internet graveyard. He thinks of them as his children and will kill and protect them if anybody tries to mess with any of them, even the ugly and loud ones. To some of them he's their mother figure even if he doesn't like being called mother. (His entire purpose in the lore was for him to be a caretaker of the dead memes and be the protector of them)

💜Smg3 pulls at his hair, flaps his hand up and down, pokes at his spikes and chews on his shirt collar which was quickly replaced with gift from 4, he gave him a chew necklace which he loves its in a shape of a skull.

💜 Smg3 does raptor hands all the time when he's talking with dead memes, he has a switch blade which he does da funny tricks with.

💜 Smg3 can speak dead meme which nobody else can understand since nobody speaks with dead memes as much as SMG3. He'll be speaking with Eggdog at 4's place and everybody will look at him so confused on how he's talking to his therapy dog.

It does get a bit embarrassing for him to speak with Eggdog fully and understand what he's saying while nobody else can and think it's weird. He just tell them to shut up if they ask any questions and walks away annoyed.

💜 Smg3 has feline type eyes. They get wide in the dark or in dim light but then turn into slits when in the sunlight. SMG4 gets scared when he watches smg3's eyes turn into slits in the sun and look at him. He thinks SMG3 is trying to steal his soul or fight him.

💜SMG3 blinks one eye at a time. It's timed weird. He'll blink with his left then wait a minute then blink with his right.

💜SMG3 has an entire area in his temple that is just earrings and other cuffs and accessories . He can't get enough of them.

SMG4 has given him a pair of earrings. They were little knives that hang lowly and he wears them all the time around the house.

💜SMG3 is an earrings lover he wears different earrings every single time he is outside or going to an event. never once has he failed to work an earring with his outfits. He also loves keychains.

💜SMG3 throws rocks at people or shoots them. that it that's the headcanon lmao

💜 SMG3 is a massive animal lover he owns a lot of animals that get abandoned in the mushroom kingdom and keeps them as royalty pets.

He has a possum, ferret, parrot, a horse, and he doesn't know how but he got a lion. It just appeared in his backyard at one point as a cub and he just raised it as any normal cat. Until he realized that it wasn't a weird cat but a lion.

💜 He has a garden made by Luigi he paid him to make it but he likes to take care of them. but Mario eats the daffodils which pisses him off.


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