Dixson's POV (28)

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'I hate this fucking place' Bear shouted at me 'it will be fine, Luna will let us mark her one day soon' 'no she won't, every time you try she has a melt down' 'Bear please, she is our mate' 'since we got here in the what three weeks? How many times has she let you eat a proper meal? Five, that’s how many, how many times has she hit, slapped, punched, scratched, kicked you? Multiple times a day, every single day, we are the alpha, she should take orders from us not the other way around' "Dixson, what are you doing? Are you talking to Bear? What about? You know the rules, your not allowed to talk to him unless we mind link so I know what you are saying" Luna said as she slapped me around the face "sorry Luna, we was just talking about you, about how much we love you and we wondered when we could mark you soon?".

She didn't like that very much, she hates it when I talk about marking her, she thinks it's barbaric, this time she started punching me, I tried to defend myself but I was so weak from not eating, I couldn't defend all the punches, one caught me on the temple, another one caught me in the throat, making me struggle to draw a good breath, I mustered up enough strength to push her onto her bed, she screamed so loud, someone banged on the door to see if she was ok, "call my father, Dixson just laid his hands on me" "what? No I didn’t, I just pushed up away".

She punched herself in the face, leaving a red mark, "what are you doing?" "You hit me" "no I didn’t, you hit yourself" "you wait until my father finds out about this" she got up from her bed and ran out the door, 'this is our best chance to leave' 'no, she is our fated mate, I wont leave her'.

Her father and a few other people entered the room and beat the shit out of me, they dragged me to there basement and chained me to the wall, what felt like every one and there mum had come and had a go at beating me, I had lost the will to live, but I still thought in the back of my mind that Luna will save me from this hell.

How long was I chained up to the wall? it felt like forever, I had no contact with anyone apart from Luna but she didn’t say a word to me, she just told the four other alpha's what horrible things to do to me, I know it must have been at least two weeks as a few days after I was put down here she ordered one of the men to rip out one of my nails, one more the next day and so on, they haven't been able to do that for a few days now as I have none left on my hands and feet, yesterday she suggested doing Yakuza style tactics and start cutting off my fingers from the knuckles, the three alphas got excited with the level of violence going up.

There was no source of light, the only time the lights were on was when I was beaten, I don't know if it was once a day, twice or more, so it could have been a week down here or one month, after they pulled the seventh nail, I had lost count on the days, she definitely got off on hearing me scream in pain.

This day she must of had a change of heart, she got the men to take my up to my room, they wasn't happy, they wanted to beat me more, they tried to convince her that I would hurt her again and for me to stay in the basement, my head must have hit the pillow and I was out like a light, I must have slept for at least 24hours.

When I woke up Luna was sitting on her bed reading, then she noticed I was awake "your finally awake sleepy head" she said all cheery, "you have been asleep for ages" "how long was I out for?" "When we found you, you had been missing for a whole month" "missing?" I said confused "Yeah, you just disappeared one day then I found you down stairs, it's nearly dinner time, I'm going to the dining hall to save us some food, come on over when you are ready" she got up from her bed, kissed me on the lips then left the room, she acted like nothing happened, she's acting like she didn't torture me for the whole time, I was down in the basement for a month 'I don't know how much more of this shit I can take' 'she's going to kill us, isn't she?' Bear said fearful, 'I think she might'.

It took me ages to get out of bed, everything hurt, it took me the longest to get down the stairs, I stopped just a few feet from the stairs, I had stopped where the phone was, I picked up the phone, I gritted my teeth through the pain as I dialled a number, "hello?" "Aria?" I could have cried there and then just hearing her voice "Dixson, is that you?" "Aria, please save me".

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