Dixson's POV (54)

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Side story. (8)

Cora was still out with Aria, Lucy and Grover was playing with the pups on the floor, "so Dixson, would you like to introduce the pup?" "That's Grover, Cora's little brother, Cora and I are going to be mated" Ranger raised an eyebrow and Cash whipped his head my direction, shocked, "are you really ready for that?" Cash asked, I walked over to them, the pups didn't need to hear this, "I'm scared but I think Cora can help me get over what happened" "good, I don't want my mate having to kill another one of your mates" I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"Cora is different, I really think we could have a happy life together" "that's nice to hear, these past few months have been hard on all of us and also a blessing, I am very happy for you to finally find a Lycan that you could be happy with, have you mated it her?" Rangers question through me off, I expected it from Mitch or Aria but not from Ranger, "no, not yet" Ranger got up from his chair and come over to me, he put his hand on my shoulder and said "don't rush in to anything, take your time, where is my mate? Pups let's go get breakfast".

Ranger, Cash and I all took a pup each, Grover walked with me, Lucy was holding Ranger's hand as we walked to the dining hall, "Mr alpha Ranger seems nice, scary but nice, does he play hide and seek?" "No, he doesn't but he is very protective over the pups in this pack" "that's good, at least Lucy will be safe here when she comes without me" Grover said as he ran to catch up with Lucy and Ranger, 'that's our job' Bear laughed 'now she's extra predicted'.

As we were eating breakfast, Ranger kept looking over at Lucy and Grover, "Ranger, is everything okay?" "Yeah" "sure?" I laughed "isn't that pup getting too close to Lucy?" I looked over at them, Lucy was feeding Grover some of her food "look, now she's feeding him, Lucy we need to swap places" Ranger said as he stood up "stay where you are Lucy, sit down Ranger" Aria said pulling at his arm "do I have to move?" Lucy said confused, "no stay where you are" Aria reassured.

"Has my little brother offended you in any way alpha Ranger? If so, please let me apologize on his behalf" Cora said bowing her head, Grover look confused to what he had or hadn't done, "Grover has done nothing, Ranger is just being overprotective, ever since the pups went missing, he is wearing of outsiders, but Cora and Grover will be family soon, so Ranger, sit the hell down and eat your food or I will give it to the pups".

The rest of breakfast, Ranger couldn't stop glaring over at them, what's he going to be like with his own pups? Or even if he had a girl of his own, Aria will have her work cut out.

Grover and Lucy were playing in the garden with the pups Cora and I were taken I walk around, I could see Ranger up in the window watching, "you sure Grover hasn't pissed Ranger off?" "Yeah, he's done nothing wrong, I feel sorry for her mate when she finds them, they will have top alpha Mitch and top alpha Ranger to talk to" I laughed.

"Oh wow, Mika's garden is coming along nicely" "Mika?" "Mika is Cash's fated partner, I can't remember seeing her at breakfast this morning, hope she is okay" "so do many Lycan's here have their faded mate?" "No, not everyone, it's best to have your fated partner, like in any pack, if you are just mated, you run the risk of one of the mated pairs fated partner coming along and taking them away, this is my fear for you, I've had my fated but you haven't" "I will never leave you, now that we will be finally together, I'm not going to let you go" she said as she hugged me tight, "that's nice to hear" I said hugging her back but this fear won't just go away with her words, I like hearing them nonetheless.

The rest of the weekend flew past in a shot and we were getting ready to leave, all the female Lycan's were crying, not wanting anyone to leave, "is all this crying natural? It seems excessive to cry this much, am I wrong?" I asked as I waited for the crying to stop so we can leave, "I've been with Aria for a few years now and I still cannot understand her" he said with a straight face, Cash and myself laughed.

"Come on Dixson can we go home now? We can leave Cora and Lucy here to cry it out, we can pick them up the next time we are here" I burst out laughing at Grover, we left not long after with Cora and Lucy still crying.

When we got back to the pack house, I wanted to go and see Mitch to show him some pictuers of all the pups playing, its like he said, he can't go and see them as often as he wants, thats why I took hundreds of photos for him to look at.

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