Cora's POV (51)

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Side story.     (5)

"Last night?" I said shocked, what happened after I drank so much? "You told me, that you love me" he said as he pointed at me then himself, I just looked at him in disbelief, did I really tell him? He held out his hands for me, I still just sat there, he shook his hand and said "paw".

I put my hand in his, he pulled me up to his face, like he was going to kiss me, "what's going on? It feels like I'm being pranked" "no you're not, you told me how you felt and I said okay, we can try but we have to go slow" "but you said that you didn't want another mate" "yes, that was true but the way you was yesterday, upset me, to be told that it was my fault that you are hurting so much, so, Bear and I spoke and we agreed to try" I started to cry, my dreams have finally come true.

"No, no, none of that, I told you last night that I would never make you cry again" "these are happy tears" he lent forward and gently kissed my cheek, "we just need to take everything slow, I'm scared, what happened to me, it has messed my head up pretty bad" "I will take it as slow as you need, I'm just happy that you are giving me a chance, I won't push you into anything, I promise".

We sat in bed for a little while, talking, he said that he wants to talk too Mitch before telling everyone, I was fine with that, he rested his head on my shoulder like he did yesterday, he still had my hand in his, I was so happy with just this, but to my surprise, Dixson move this hand to my face and moved it, so I was facing him, I could see he was moving closer to me, was he going to kiss me? I close my eyes and just as our lips we're going to touch, the door crashed open and there was a crying Lucy, we quickly moved away from each other, Dixson quickly got off the bed and went straight to her and picked her up, I was a little sad that they come in at the wrong moment but I bet she was scared, seeing me in that state and not seeing Dixson all night.

"What's going on here?" Grover said as he looked at us both, "we will explain later, come on Lucy, let's take you home to get washed and changed, Cora, I will see you later for breakfast, Grover, thanks for taking care of Lucy" Dixson said ruffling his hair as he left the room.

Grover peeks out the door and then closes it, I fell forward on my bed and silently screamed, "come on Cora, tell me, are you to going to be mates?" I looked at him and said "I think so" he looked at me confused, "it's a long story, go and wash up, breakfast will be ready soon".

I was so nervous walking into the dining hall, I quickly scanned the room, Dixon and Lucy wasn't there yet.

I was in the queue for my food when Grover nudged me and said, 'come on Cora, move forward, stop day dreaming about Dixson" "I'm, I'm not" I stammered.

we sat down and I kept glancing at the door waiting for him to come.

I started to eat my food not that I wanted to, I have a hangover from hell, "make sure you drink plenty of liquids" Dixson whispered in my ear, I squealed as I jumped, the whole hall fell silence and looked over at me, how embarrassing, "sorry" Dixon laughed as he sat next to me, "she's been waiting for you" Grover said picking up his tray and going to sit next to Lucy.

Dixson sits next to me, like he normally does, but this time I'm hyper aware of him, "don't be so nervous" "I'm not" I lied "I don't believe you" he whispered in my ear as he put his hand on my leg, a bolt of electricity shot through me "that's not fair, you are playing with my emotions" "this looks cosy" Mitch said as he sat in front of Dixson, I just bowed my head like I just got caught stealing, "Mr alpha Mitch, are we going to play hide and seek today?" Lucy said excited "not today little pup, I have a few meetings today, I won't really have time to" "can you spare sometime for me? I need to speak to you" "always, come to my office as soon as breakfast is over, my first meeting is not until 10" "thanks" Dixson said give my leg another squeeze.

I was completely off my food now, knowing that Dixson was going to talk to Mitch about us, it's starting to hit me, that this isn't just a dream, it's really happening.

I was in my room getting ready to go to the packs schoolhouse, when there was a knock at the door, "who is it?" I said, it couldn't have been Grover, he normally just walks in, "it's me" it was Dixson, I quickly opened the door "why are you here?" "We have a meeting with Mitch, don't tell me you already forgot" he smiled, "no way, I'm not going" "it concerns you also, so you should be there in the meeting" he said as he held out his hand, I took it and he pulled me out of the door way and into a hug, "don't be nervous" I felt like I was going to melt in his arms.

Dixson knocked on the office door, I squeezed his hand tighter "it will be fine" he whispered, "ENTER" Mitch shouted.

We walked into the office hand in hand, Mitch spotted it straight away and raise an eyebrow, a faint smile on his face, "so... is this what you wanted to talk about?" "Yes, Cora and I are going to make a go of it, she told me last night how she feels, I don't feel completely the same as she does at the moment because of my past, but... I know I don't want to lose her" Mitch lent back in this chair and folded his arms over his chest.

We stood there in silence for what felt like an eternity, "Dixson, are you sure about this? It didn't go so well with your fated mate, I know Cora is nothing like her, but are you sure in your head that you can take on a mate?"

Dixson didn't say anything, was he having second thoughts? Did I push him into something he didn't really want? Dixson squeezed my hands and said "no, I'm not sure about anything but between Cora and myself, we will figure things out", I could feel my eyes swelling up, "Cora will you look after my little brother? Keep him safe from himself?" Mitch said in a deep and scary tone, "Mitch, it sounds like you are trying to scare her away" "she needs to know what kind of headspace you’re in" "she probably knows more than you do to what happened to me there" "what?" Dixson didn't say anything, he just stared at him, eyes wide and in shock to the words that come out of his mouth.

I close my eyes and bowed my head "alpha Mitch, I'm nothing like that evil Lycan, I will never do anything Dixson doesn't want, I will let him lead our relationship, as long as I can stand by his side, that's all I need, so please, accept our mating".

The room fell silent again, when I finally opened my eyes, Mitch and Dixson was looking at me, "Dixson... you have to tell Aria, I definitely won't, your dismissed".


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