Dixson POV (34)

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Side story (10)

As time goes on my sleep had come near enough none existence, I was riddled in guilt and self pity, I know everyone is laughing behind my back, saying that an omega got the best of an alpha, I hate everyone giving me the side eye and not talking to me, its all starting to build up, I don’t know how much more of this I can take, I want to go to Aria but she is so far in her pregnancy, I don’t want her to worry about me and not take care of herself and the pups.

I sat in the field with a knife placed in front of me, my head is filled with terrible thoughts, all in Luna's voice to 'kill myself' 'the world will be a better place without me in it' would it? If I did kill myself, everyone’s life would eventually go back to normal, I looked up at the pack house as I picked the knife up "I'm sorry Mitch, I can't do it anymore" I place the knife to my wrist "excuse me, is this the Shadow Moon pack?" A female voice said behind me, I froze with the knife still at my wrist, "you ok?" The voice got closer, I looked to the side and there stood a female Lycan, holding a small sleeping child.

I couldn’t speak, I just looked at her, I’ve never seen her before, she looked at the knife at my wrist, her smile vanished from her face, she carefully sat next to me, as not to wake the sleeping child, she reached out her hand and placed it on the knife and gently took if from me, "please don’t do that" she said softly, "but I can't take it anymore, I just want all this pain to end" I started crying, "what about the person you mentioned? Is he your partner? Wont he be upset" "Mitch is my brother, he will get over it" "but he may not, have you spoken to him?" "He can't help me, no one can, my life is so fucked up, I don’t know where to start to fix it, this is the only thing I can think of that’s best for everyone, they can grieve then they can move on with there life".

We sat in silence, a few tears expected her eyes, "why you crying? You don’t know me", she wiped her tears away and said "my name is Cora and this little one is my little brother Grover, we witnessed our father kill our mother then kill himself, so please don't kill yourself, I don’t want to see it".

We just sat there until sunrise, I had taken of my coat to keep Grover warm, she told me her trauma, I wanted to tell her mine but I don’t want to see the pity in her eyes, "will you tell me why you wanted to kill yourself? I know you don’t know me but letting it off your chest might help" I looked at her, she looked genuinely concerned, "I don’t want another Lycan to take the piss out of me" "I won’t, I promise, I can see that you are hurting, I just want to see if I can help" Grover stirred in her arms, "you should get into the house and speak to Mitch, he is the top alpha, he will let you stay, guaranteed", she hesitated for a second before standing up, "ok but I'm taking this with me" picking up the knife, I was a little panicked, shit she’s going to tell Mitch that I was going to kill myself "don’t worry, I wont tell anyone, I will just say I found it" Cora said as she walked towards the pack house.

Mitch let her stay, I kept bumping into her all the time over the next few days, I was embarrassed that I showed her the worst side of me, I tried so hard to avoid her.

One evening she was sat with the biggest gossips in the pack, I knew she was going to be told all my dirty laundry, "Dixson, can I sit with you?" Said Grover standing behind me with his tray, "sure, you can sit wherever you like" I said not looking at him, "thank you, that lady talks to much" he pointed over to Palm, I know what she’s saying, I bet a million omega's, that’s it's me, Cora kept looking at me, yep, she now knows everything, "I'm not hungry anymore" I said standing up, leaving my tray and walked away.

I went and sat in the field again, I saw Cora walk towards me, I got up and started walking away from her, she run up to me "Dixson, wait, I just want to talk" "talk about what? How my fated partner tortured me and now I'm a laughing stock of the whole pack" "I'm not laughing, I didn’t ask her, she just told me, I'm sorry" "just keep your sympathy, I don’t need it" I said shaking off her grip, "Dixson, please wait, please lets talk" "what will that get me? Nothing, you just want to get some gossip from me and report it back to her" "no I won’t, I promise, I didn't really pay to much attention to her, she kept asking me so many questions about me, I was uncomfortable talking to her", I sat back down on the floor and put my head in my hands, Cora sat down next to me, "if you ever want to vent anything to anyone, I'm here, I promise that I won't tell anyone, it's not there business" I turned my head to look at her, she had beautiful brown eyes that I just stared at.

We sat there and I opened my heart and everything spilled out, I told her everything, even stuff that I didn’t tell Mitch and Aria, I could see she was trying to hold back her tears but I just kept talking, I only stopped when Grover came running across the field, "Cora, I'm tired, can we go to bed now" "go to the room and I will be there shortly, I'm still talking to Dixson" "its fine, I think I’ve talked enough, I can tell you the rest another time" "promise?" I just nodded, "ok, until then, come on Grover" she scooped him up and walked towards the pack house, it was strange, it felt like some of the weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

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