Favourite Moment (Potter)

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So this is during an interview on Harry Potter, so this will feature:



'nd Jason

And we will have Paris and April back

3rd person pov:

It was a cloudy but warm day during fall. The sisters Paris and April were excited for their first interview. The little girls dressed in something casual and comfortable. Their mom put their hair up in high ponytails. Paris and April loved it. So they arrived at the TV studio and waited for their turn. Tom, Jason and Helen had no clue that Paris and April were there too. While Paris and April were waiting behind the scenes to be called to surprise the others on camera meanwhile had no clue. They just thought that it was a normal talk about HP and especially the Malfoy Family.

"So now, we have a tiny surprise for you three." "A surprise?" "Yes, and for that I need two helpers." The talkshow hostess said. Paris and April came out. They smiled like always. Tom and Jason giggled. "So that's the surprise." "Welcome Paris and April." The girls went up to the couch. Both of them gave Tom and Jason a high five. Helen on the other hand hugged the little girls. Paris sat between Helen and Tom and April between Tom and Jason. Tom wrapped an arm around April. He wasn't much older but still felt like he was April and Paris older brother and needed to protect them.

"You Malfoy's are absolutely cute together, especially you Helen with Paris and April." "I mean, I can't do anything but to love these two little girls. Paris and April are so cute and sweet."

After some small talk with and about Paris and April the hostess asks "Now, what's your favourite moment that happened while filming? Paris?"

"My favourite moment, it's a bit hard to say but I can think about something right now. So Ariana was sick, and Narcissa can't stand seeing her daughter's sick so Helen and I had to be in bed and cuddle all day." "Yes, I remember it. I remember that you silly little girl actually fell asleep in my arms." Paris started laughing. "Yes, I remember." She said.

"So how about the others, Jason, Tom, April?" "April you first." "Um, all the fun stuff we did behind the scenes." April looked at Tom. "I got to say my favourite moment was meeting everyone." He looked at Jason. "My favourite moment is actually the same as Tom's. I enjoyed meeting for the first time." "What's yours?" Paris asked and looked at Helen. "Um yeah, so my favourite moments are spending time with Paris, April, Tom and Jason. Especially when we are ready for a scene and we have to calm the two little ones down." She said and wrapped an arm around Paris. "They can't sand still when they are nervous." She giggled and looked at Paris and April who burst out laughing. "What did you do to calm them?" "I usually get down to their level and talk to them to distract them a little. Or I give them a hug. Actually giving them a little hug worked wonders. Especially with Paris. Because Paris is the worse for that matter. I then pick her up, hug her for a while and she's all calm." "Really?" "Yeah, it works wonders." "Paris is that true?" "Yes. If I'm honest I love her hugs." Everyone went "Aww." And Paris hugged Helen tight.

"But you forgot what works best with April Helen." Jason said. "Oh yeah right. So April, she is worse. She is worse than Paris. So we tried a lot of things but what works best for her is to threaten her with tickles. And I'm honest, they both are really ticklish. And when April misbehaves, we'll threaten her with tickles or tickle her right away." "But I don't like it!" April said loudly causing her co-stars to chuckle. "Yes April hates it. Well I on the other hand sometimes I ask if they tickle me." Paris giggles. "Paris often goes like can you tickle me? And to be honest it's quite fun to do that." Jason admits and looks over at Paris who smiles back.

A/n:just so you know, you can request stuff here aswell

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