S2 Vlog #10 | compilations 2

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I just got out of the bathroom freshly showered seeing y/n smiling at her phone "you look like You're seeing anne Hathaway naked" i huffed throwing a towel on her

"Come here" she chuckled and i just sat beside her before she wrapped her arms around my waist smiling

"What's happening to you??" I asked weird out and grabbed her phone seeing just a video of me dancing on behind the scenes of a film i did before

"just the way you moved your hips" she mumbled still in the same expression

"Are you high??" I was worried, i lift her face to look at her eyes but no, I'm pretty sure she's sobber

"Just fell in love again for the nth time....and really turned on" she chuckled to herself making me actually also laugh

"You're so stupid" i giggled playfully pushing her away


I cracked my neck going inside our house from work Exhausted. I immediately went to the kitchen for water but quickly stopped myself seeing y/n, cosmo and little red on the kitchen nook

"What are you guys doing?" I chuckled seeing them holding chopsticks with corn kernels on the plate

"Mama is teaching us how to use chopsticks" cosmo stated firmly looking at me while little red struggles positioning the chopsticks on her fingers

"Why?" I hummed going to the fridge getting some water

"They want to go to the Korean barbecue resto across the street and they want to use chopsticks for it...hmm hows your day?" y/n got up giving me a kiss

"it was fine, lots of approving and stuff but yeah just a little tired"

"Mommy? look" cosmo caught my attention sitting firmly fixing his posture before gracefully picking the corn kernels using the chopsticks

"Woww, my fast learner baby" i smiled at him giving him a kiss on the cheeks

"UHHHHH! FUCKKK!!!" Little red suddenly screamed cursing her lungs out before just poking the kernels can't get it together

"RED!" Y/n warned



"no.. sorry"

"Go to your room"



red just ran upstairs before we heard a loud slammed door. Y/n just sighs while cosmo says he needs to get something on his room

"You ok?," I softly asked sitting beside y/n looking frustrated

"No, she's gonna hate me for life"

"You know that's not true" i rested my chin on her shoulder wrapping my arms around her mumbling

We both decided to actually follow red upstairs to talk to her "it's mommy" i knocked. She opened it but as soon as she saw y/n she tried slamming it again but y/n held it

"I'm sorry" she mumbled but red just jumped on her bed hiding at the covers.

We both sat beside her but she still won't talk to us "I'm no ones favorite.." she whispered sniffing

"Hey... that's not true" y/n Sigh revealing her from the sheets wiping her tears

"Yes it is...your favorite is rose and mommy's favorite is cosmo... Im no ones favorite" she sobbed

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