Vlog #16 | building surprised

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Y/n pov

"Hello" i smiled widely at the camera putting it in front of me while I'm having cereal for lunch

"Sooo..uhm.. for today's video, we will be surprising my wife" i casually says taking another spoon full of my food

I have been busy for the past few weeks working on my businesses and Scarlett has been the most supportive and understanding partner ever.. so why not give her a little treat? And by little i mean a whole building

"as you may or may not know.. the outset HQ is located on a building here in New York where they rent the place...and... Look at this" i grabbed my suitcase beside me showing some papers..

" These are the official ownership of that specific building.. i bought it" i widely grin

" Yknow.. if her exes gave her just because flowers...her wife gives her just because building" i sarcastically says shrugging casually

I have been thinking about this for a while because me and Scarlett never really get involved in each other's businesses.. i do mine.. she does hers..which i believe makes her feel independent.. something she really craves for

"I just bought it.. no big deal yknow? Just a thankyou gift.. and definitely not because i don't know what to do with my money anymore" i playfully says

" Now.. before you even said oh why don't you just donate it... They're kids that are dying... Don't worry.. i do that.. more than you drink your water you dehydrated lazy individual" i huffed

Just in time that i put the papers away. Scarlett came in looking exhausted 'heyyy" i greeted receiving her smile before she walked towards me cupping my cheeks facing her as she gave me a kiss

"How was your day?" I asked while she sat on my lap going through my laptop

"It's fine.. just tired.. oh you're already working on the rebrand?"

Well....our brand was mostly inspired by rose.. because I've stablished it when she's our only kid..noww the two others are complaining and demanding that we should change it and belong them

"Hmm.. yeah.. you smell so good" i hummed kissing the back of her neck as i wrapped my hands around her waist

"Oh no.. no.. no.. no.. no.. last time you said you broke my walk" she playfully says laughing

"I'm filming" i giggled hiding myself on her back " oh... Hi..i didn't say that" she smiled widely waving at the camera

"I literally told you the exact same thing yesterday"

"Should i get some pregnancy test kits?" She mumbled still in the same expression

I meann we can't have kids anymore coz Scarlett already did that procedure that i already forgot what it's called..we had a surrogate for little red

"Oh my god...i have some new office gossip" she suddenly gasps standing up getting off of me grabbing some wine and glasses

She poured us both some drinks before starting on her tea spilling.. i muted the video tho for privacy but it's full of jaw dropping and gasping for i say minutes

"Can you believe that????"

"Which part?" I took a sip

"EXACTLY" she nodded

"Ohh.. also.. i got you something" she grabbed her bag giving me these dark chocolate treats

"we went to get some drinks then I saw those and i immediately thought of you.. then Kate was like oh are those for the kids? And i was just like.. sure.. yknow" she chuckles while I'm just staring at her smiling being so cute out..i love talkative Scarlett

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