💔 Howdy X Reader

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Today was a sad day for you, you were going to have to do something you hated, something that you spent days, weeks, months thinking about... something that you wouldn't make it out of..

You loved your cozy, colorful little neighborhood that you moved into about 4-5 years ago. The neighbors were the sweetest, most helpful people you had ever met and were always there for you if you needed them. One person that you loved even more than them, Howdy Pillar. Howdy had been your boyfriend after the first 9 months of your move there, and was still your boyfriend, meaning that you two had been together for 3-4 years now. But you were hiding something from him, you were moving. You weren't moving just for the fun of it or because you couldn't afford the home, it was because your parents (IM SORRY IF U DONT HAVE ANY) had asked you to watch over them since they were growing old and at this point, it was either a nursing home or you. You had already agreed to take care of them before you moved out incase the nursing homes were all taken up or too expensive for them...

You woke up and sat up in your bed, starring at the tall mirror in your floor. You sighed, getting up out of bed and sliding your slippers on. You walked into your kitched and made breakfast, you had a long road trip ahead of you. After you ate, you walked back to your room and got dressed, not wearing anything colorful or fancy since you were going to be driving a car for about 4-5 hours back to your parents house. Before you left your home, you walked over to your mirror, starring one last time..you cried. You cried, and cried, and cried until your couldn't shed another tear from your eyes. You didn't want to leave, you LOVED it here..you LOVED Howdy. You had already told the neighbors about how you were moving back, they were very upset about this, but still, everyone knew exept Howdy. After your crying session, you were just about to get up when.. *knock knock* Someone was knocking, you assumed it was the other neighbors wishing you your farewells and your goodbyes, but no. You opened your door to see Howdy. Howdy had tears streaming down his face and a shocked, angry expression.

You started at him for a moment, scared that he had found out, and he had. "Why..why didn't you tell me??! We have been together for four YEARS! And you can't even let me know that your leaving me..you were just going to ghost me and run away weren't you??!" "Howdy, please, let me explain..-" You were cut off by Howdy. "NO! I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH FROM THE OTHERS...YOU WEREN'T GOING TO TELL ME! YOU WERE JUST GOING TO LEAVE!" "H-howdy..no I- I was going to tell you it's just that-" You could feel your voice cracking up and you felt like throwing up. Why wouldn't he let me explain..? "OH SAVE IT Y/N! I ALREADY HEARD, YOU PLANNED ON TEXTING ME ABOUT IT AFTER YOU HAD ALREADY LEFT!! FUCK YOU Y/N, FUCK. YOU!!! WE ARE FUCKING OVER!" After he said those words he slapped you.*SMACK!* Tears were already streaming down your face but this hurt. It hurt so bad that you simply slammed the door in his face as in instinct and screamed and you could feel your face tingling and stinging from the, what felt like a punch.

You then grabbed your bags and flung the door open, he was still there but you ignored him. "Y-Y/n..I I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to hit you I'm so sorry!!! Please forgive me!" You ignored him, shoving him full force out of your way, making him fall back onto the ground. He crawled back up as you ran as fast as you could to your car, cranking it up and hitting the pedals. You were not going to look back. you were never looking back again. You drove and drove and drove untill you were on the highway, you were screaming and throwing things and crying. Your face still stinging and had even started to bleed. You were trying to find a napkin in your car to wipe the blood when...*SKKKRRRRTTTTTTT* *CRACK. CRASH. BOOM.* ...

-Reporting tonight on CNN news, a giant car crash has happened on the __ High Way. Police say that the main cause, of the crash being a reckless driver, Y/N L/N. Police say that they weren't looking at the road while driving very fast and hit the back of multiple vehicles, sending three vehicles, including theirs off a bridge. Y/N L/N died in the accident and so did another driver, the last driver who was pushed off firdt surprisingly survived the crash, we'll update you more on this situation after the break!-

I CRIED...- 😭

Request by ARandomSweet‼️‼️

Word count : 848

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