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....................... 2-9 @43 697??

Today had been pretty boring so far, nothin much at all happening. You yawned, walking around the town while chatting with a few neighbors, helping Poppy bake, helping Sally with her costumes, Helping Eddie with the mail, Stopping by Wally's place and giving him an apple, nothing special at all just a perfectly normal day.

...That WAS, until you hear none other than Frank Frankly practically yelling "PSSSSSST!!" at you to get your attention from a bush. 'Not this shit again..' You mutter, recalling the last time you were in a bush with him, Howdy ending up beating you both up...

You rolled your eyes and walked over to him, hands on your hips as you leaned down to hear what he wanted from you.

"What is it this time Frank?" You mutter, only to have Frank 'SSSSHHHHSHSHSHHHHHHH' you again. His fluffy hands held onto you somewhat tight, not enough to hurt you any though, as he pulled you into the bush alongside him. He put a finger over his mouth before turning and pointing at Howdy, who was sat under a tree. Typically whenever Frank spied on Howdy it had something to do with his wings or whatever. However, this time Howdy was quite literally judt sat under a tree, eyes shut and a pair of arms behind his head.

"..Frank..I don't get it, why are you stalking him this time?" You say, turning your head to look over at him. As you did, you noticed how Frank has a heavy fluster on his cheeks, as he stared at Howdy with a small pout, before turning to you.

"..I think I'm in love with this man." He muttered, seemingly letting down his typically bitchy attitude. You were, obviously shocked to hear this. It took you a second to think of a response, you thinking hard for a minute, only for nothing to come up. "...what?"

"I LOVE this man, Howdy, I mean.." Frank muttered once again, a bit more force behind the word love this time as his confidence seemed to grow. You were still shocked to hear this, but you laughed softly and put a hand to his shoulder, wanting to support him and his feelings in any way you could..

"..Wellll..what are you waiting for then? Go get 'em Frank."

...............................8? 2@5'-8!& 697 !38&-;94.

🐾---: Haiii!! >∆< SosososososSOOO glad to be back! <:)

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