No Competition

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You struggled a bit when it came to finding your favorite little dwarf rabbit, while it usually wouldn't be that difficult, you had not gotten your shoes calibrated (I don't know what the hell I'm talking about guys I'm the real one struggling) in a few weeks, meaning that the further away any vibrations were the less accurate their exact location was.

You had to improvise (Just like me) and attempt to sniff her out, well, and use your ears. Human noses aren't the same as canines or hell any other animals, just another short stick you drew in life. Meanwhile, your ears were a bit more useful, so the sound of shattering ceramic echoing through the unsurprisingly empty building drew your attention rather quickly.

Shattering of anything is never good.

You follow the sound as it was soon followed by vile laughter. Your body gives a spark at the reminiscent sounds, causing a frown to crease on your face. These were the same laughs that rang out as the water was thrown on you, the same ones that were ringing in your ears as you waited for your uniform to dry.

The same ones from the same evening you were almost devoured.

You stumble slightly, while you had been holding it together for so long the reality of that night was like a bullet. You weren't sure if maybe your body hadn't processed it all until now, or maybe you just shut it away until the doors burst open. No, this wasn't the first time your fear had pressured you like this. When Bill had that blood, when you screamed at Legoshi, even when the two brawled you had felt it.

The crushing weight of your demise was always there.

You have to push it down and get a grip on it. Don't let anyone see your fear or else they will consume you. With that motivating pep talk out of the way, you march up the stairs to-


What are you even doing?

You came to talk to Haru, not start another petty squabble. Haru is a big girl and can take care of herself unless it comes to reaching the top shelf. It's not your job to protect her. While on one hand, you are her friend and friends help one another, on the other your goal is to prove that you can take care of yourself. Shouldn't you extend the same amount of trust in Haru? If anyone can understand her situation it's you, everyone looks at you with a similar pitiful expression as they do with Haru.

You end up waiting just out of sight, choosing to let Haru fight her own battles. You'll decide when the right time to step in would be, in hope that the dwarf rabbit is strong enough to not even need your help.

By the time you tuned back into the conversation, you believe you heard Mizuchi use the term slut. An awful term but overall not that effective, you can't pull the same rabbit out of the same hat and expect the same group to be surprised.

"You're worthless, and all you do is ruin other's relationships!"

Mizuchi was petty, annoying as ever, and ultimately aggressive. Your sigh was so loud that they probably would have heard it had their heads not been up their asses. Even you had enough of the harlequin rabbit's bullcrap.

"Okay, now why don't we-" you didn't have time to finish before Haru piped up.

"Okay, I'll tell you this since you're just so naive and yet adorable." Haru took a second to soak in the shocked faces before continuing. "You lost now deal with it! When it comes to love the more desperate you get the more you're bound to lose! You can keep playing this stupid game for all I care. I'll be watching you from a distance so please keep going to your heart's content!"

You couldn't hold it in any longer, you bust out laughing. You clutch your sides and bend forward in an attempt to quiet yourself and breathe but they just kept coming, startling all four of the girls in front of you. "Haru you never cease to crack me up, you tell them off with such poise and sincerity it'll be hard to recover from that." Your words were light a flowing, trying to mold into the conversation. "But you don't have to stoop to their level to win a fight, petty words and insults don't do anyone any good." You place your hand gently on the dwarf rabbit's head as you continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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