Escaping Stars

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Leaning on the back wall America sighed, Looking out onto the large ballroom he searched for his younger sister. Spotting her talking to the second oldest of the Slavic siblings he knew they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. As he looked around for his brother he spotted the open balcony door. Moving towards the door he kept an eye out for his parents, knowing they would see his moving towards it and keep him inside to socialise.

Making his way out the door he quickly moved to the side, leaning against the wall he breathed out a sigh of relief. Turning his head to look back inside he looked around, seeing that no one had noticed him gone yet he moved over to the edge holding onto the railing.

"I would say it's a surprise to see you out here America but that would be a lie." a deep voice said from behind. Turning around he saw Soviet, the oldest of the Slavic Family, standing in the doorway with two glasses.

"Hello Soviet, how are you?" America asked, turning back around.

"I'm well enough," Soviet said, walking towards him. placing one of the glasses he was holding on the railing. Pushing the glass over to the American, he took a sip from the one he was holding. Nodding in thanks, America picked up the glass and took a sip of the drink.

"You didn't poison this right?" America joked a smile on his face,

"America, I'm offended you'd think I'd use such a basic method," Soviet laughed back,

"Why are you out here though?" Soviet continued his eyes, meeting America with a curious look.

"I could ask you the same question" America answered back.

"You know these things are so boring, and watching my father flirt with anything that moves and my brother chat up your sister isn't how I like to spend my evening," Soviet said with a sigh,

"I know something that might be your style," America said skulling the rest of his drink and climbing over the railing, "you have to trust me though,"

"And why would I need to trust you?" Soviet said back with a laugh following America, "The question is where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere so much better," America said with a smile, sliding down the balcony to the one below he looked back towards the taller man. "Come on, the thing i'm going to show you is so much cooler than staying out here,"

Opening the door to the balcony he now stood on he made his way inside, holding the door open for Soviet. Making his way to the bookshelf on the side of the room he started looking through the shelf.

"What are you doing?" Soviet said curiously.

"There's this thing I wanna show you," America said looking at them closer, "Aha found it."

Pulling back one of the books there was a clicking sound. As America moved back the bookshelf opened into a long corridor with stairs at the end. "Follow me," America said, moving to walk into the corridor, looking back at Soviet he waved at him.

"Yeah sure let me just follow you into a random place," Soviet said sarcastically however he followed close behind "I swear if this is a plot to kill me I'll haunt you beyond grave America."

"Yeah, yeah go ahead," America answered back before opening a door leading to the roof as he stepped onto the roof he looked out at the night sky, "The stars are really bright tonight,"

"Yes they are," Soviet said, looking up at the sky when he said that. Looking back at America before they both heard laughter from the other side of the roof turning to investigate they saw America's Younger sister, Australia joined by the younger Slavic prince the two were completely blinded by the other's company.

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