Castle Whispers

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Waking up to the sound of his maid opening his bedroom door, he sat up in his bed. Looking over at the maid, he got out of bed and walked over to his cupboard. Letting out a quick thank you at the sound of her placing water on his bedside table, he walked over and started cleaning his face with the water. Moving to take off his sleep shirt he continued with the rest of his clothes. After getting dressed he moved over to his bedroom door and made his way out to the dining room to eat breakfast.

"Good morning my dear siblings," America said walking into the room.

"Good morning America, I noticed your lack of attendance at the ball?" aussie chirped up smirking at her older brother's rebellious action

"Yes, you would know all about attendance wouldn't you?" America said back, with a smirk forming on his face he said: ", especially with what I saw last night."

"W-what do you mean by that" Australia stuttered back

"Oh, I don't know, how about what I saw on the roof last night?" America said walking around the table and sitting down, "The Slavic prince is all the talk right now,"

"Oh you little-" Aussie was quickly interrupted by another voice, a sweeter one.

"Father is quite furious with you America," Nz looked up from her book meeting her older brother's eyes

"Fuck, what did I do now?" America said, picking up his utensils, "Or does he just want to bitch about something I didn't do?"

"The servants talk America, and the recent gossip has been about you and the eldest Slavic prince sneaking off to your room" NZ chuckled

"And here I thought Father would have wanted me to strengthen our kingdom's bonds?" America said back, "We didn't even do anything just talked,"

"Uhm your majesty America, the king wishes to see you in his office" called one of the servants, she looked as though she had the fear of god shot through her.

"Fuck, I'm going to my death now," he said before getting up and moving towards the door.

"Have fun America!" Australia cackled at her brother's discomfort

"Best of luck, come back with your head please" Nz continued staring at her book

"I can try," he said before moving out the door and down the hall.

Moving down the hall as slowly as possible, he came to the door to his father's office. Knocking on the door he waited to be let in. Hearing a hum of approval he opened the door and walked in.

"Good morning Father, can I ask what this sudden meeting is about," America said bowing slightly.

"I believe you already know what this meeting is about America," Britain said looking up from his paperwork and at his son, "you and prince soviet sneaking off, your mother and I are very disappointed that you'd avoid your responsibilities like this."

"What responsibilities?" America said,

"You and your siblings all of roles and responsibilities you must commit to in order to strengthen our kingdom, Canada as crowned prince must learn to run a kingdom, Australia will be married off by the time she's 18, and Nz is making allies with other countries which is the same as yours so why is it so difficult for you to just do what you are told, we don't ask for much."

"And at the moment I'm strengthening our relationship with the Slavic kingdom," America said back, "it's not as if I'm doing anything wrong, we talked and strengthened the kingdom's bonds."

"You were instructed to stay at the ball and not sneak off to your bedroom with another man."

"I don't think I understand what you mean by that Father, what are you saying?"

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