Chapter 10 - All hands on deck

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After getting ready the admiral was already rushing out of his room and soon enough locking it knowing that Carl had already left to get his men for what was to come. As the weariness that came for them before had been replaced with a rush of adrenaline as he weaved through the corridors and those around them. As eventually he would be knocked to the sides as the ship started to tilt to the ships in return. "Brace!" He yelled out as he was grabbing at anything as the ship continued to go to the side making it harder to get there. While the gunners were already loading the gun as his crew were preparing for what was to come. As eventually he would get to the steel stairs as even if it continued to go to the side that he would continue on climb to the deck to ensure that he knew the situation. 

"Report." He spoke out trying to keep calm only to see a massive creature was on the side of the ship. As his marines were trying to get things in order as despite the night they could see the outline of the mass that come to grab hold of their ship as his men soon enough gotten ready as they evacuate the men and women caught outside of the time. While the weight of the creature soon enough started to push them below while it started to make them list to the side more. 

As the 76mm cannon on the bow of the ship had started to turn to face the beast. As it was massive with him seeing the toothy maw that latched onto the ship as it started to keep it in place while he could see that most of it was on the surface but, despite that the beast seem to be a biological war ship with him seeing plenty of fortification on its sides as he soon enough saw a shadowy group moving to the front while they threw hooks to the side of the ship as they wanted it to be in place. Making him grab the intercom of the ship and soon enough relayed his general orders. 

"All non-combat personnel are to lock themselves in their quarters and all combat personnel are to be deployed to repulse the boarding attempt." He spoke out as the gun fired hitting a tower which was ontop of the creature one of which collapse as the shell penetrated the iron sheet and into the woodlike structure behind it before collapsing into the creature making it bellow out but, as it so happen they could see the faces of the creatures boarding their ship. Namely humanoid greenish men with four arms. All towering in size especially when compared to them and how they were armed and dangerous with the intent of likely raiding their ship for loot and gain. 

As soon enough the alarms went off all throughout the tamaraw as the fathers and mother soon enough locked their respective quarters and families giving them a gun for the worst case scenario. Of course they promised that they would be back as they rushed on to get to the ship's defence. As they never knew just how badly all of this could be as the marines were unloading at the boarders only to see them tank bullets like it was nothing with them being able to put them down once they either unloaded their clips towards the raiders or somehow managed to hit their heads in the chaos that was the close combat scenario they saw themselves in. As bullets echoed within the corridors while MPAC were soon enough deployed with them circling around the beast and unleashing lead towards the climbing invaders. 

As once more the 76mm cannon roared on and fired towards the massive beast destroying its massive teeth to have it detach from the ship. Although it was doing well arrows were being launched and soon enough started to hit the defenders. 

As one marine had his arm lunged into the walls when one of the creatures was accurately able to hit not just his gun but, also his arm with a large arrow almost the length of his entire hand. With a force able to keep him nail to the iron walls. Yet seeing the upcoming boarders he did what he could namely took out his pistol and fired at the coming three. All of which had short spears with a tip that was perfect for piercing armor with ease of course the marine would try to get out before he was stabbed to death only for him to fire at one of them which due to the elevation of where he was was able to hit them in the head. 

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