Chapter 13 - Admiral's return.

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After a few more days the Tamaraw would soon enough its injured crew back from their rest. While the newly established organization known as the pintados initial documentation would be finished as they were awarded with a dedicated section within the ship along with quarters of their own as they were finally part of the ship's crew, with many of the adults being schooled on how to operate the allocated ship's system for requests. Allowing for management some leeway as well since most of the minor requests were allocated towards the organization. 

As the crew would soon enough see just how willing the anitos were to work and earn their keep as the civvies and the other guards would see as they would answer the various requests of their benefactors all around the fleet as they earn the credits and the approval of the crew. As they were soon enough allowed to buy ingredients for cooking along with them being able to commission equipment as the ship would encounter more signs of lands while Tuskus was still within his cell sleeping quite uncomfortably as he sighed knowing too well that they were being ignored. 

All in all for the fleet they were doing quite well as they had help from the anitos that were all too happy to help classify the various minerals and material that they had already procured with some being able to function as iron and more. While those in the infirmary and that of the canteen would find out more about the flora and fauna that they had gathered around the ocean. Of course all of them were getting the credits that helped them improve the facilities in exchange for their help and effort in improving much of the fleet's processes along with their inclination to being more active then their human counterparts. 

As in time the admiral would soon enough wake up after getting some much needed rest only to see a familiar face one that was quite pissed at him for his reckless actions that not only endangered his life but, that of the fleet as well. "So how was the beauty rest all mighty admiral." She said as she looked at the waking man as she was enjoying what seems to be a black circular fruit one of which was one that functions as a portable sack of flavoured waters as she soon enough bit into it and soon enough sucked in the liquid within. 

"What happened?" he asked knowing that the last bit of his memory was him being surrounded by monsters led by one even bigger and armed opponent. "Am I dead?" He asked as he looked at himself yet still felt the pain of being stabbed. "Sadly no but, thinking about it I would have been the worst angel to welcome you all." She said as she laughed and soon enough helped him up. "We won so don't worry but, you will be quite surprised since we gotten some new recruits and a little bit of information regarding this world along with us being blessed by some odd deity." She said making him look at her. 

"Yeah one at a time but, how are the others?" He asked still sluggish in his moments as he looked at her. "You are the only one that badly beat up Jazzy and its clear that we are doing fine." She commented as she soon enough checked his pulse and his temperature to see if he was still heating up or still good for the time being. "You lost alot of blood when they rolled you here and we had to patch you but, I am not going to lie your body is in bad shape so a whole lot of sitting for you admiral." She continued as she check his bandages seeing them quite ok and still clean despite the duration that they were on him. 

"You're no longer pale so that means you are no longer suffering from anemia." She said in return as she sighed. "Ok don't go over extending your body, make sure to take this bottle of pills for two months." She said giving him iron supplements to get his red blood cells in order and help him fully recover. "I'll keep that in mind and thanks." He spoke out just glad that he hasn't passed out just from that simple mistake. 

"Thanks and sorry." He said towards her before she soon enough made a request to the pintados to call his brother and mother to the infirmary. "Don't panic but, you might see the anitos." She spoke out making him look on. "They are the ones you rescued so yeah your recklessness helped but, know your part of the decision making in this ship and from the look of our esteemed commander that his over worked and under paid." She teased as she was just happy to see their admiral back.  

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