Say Uncle

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The following afternoon

Dean's pov

"Daddy, Uncle Sammy is on the phone. He needs to talk to you, now," Katie said, covering the mouthpiece of the cordless as she held it out to me.

"Why did he call the home phone?" I questioned aloud, not really expecting an answer, just voicing the thoughts in my head.

"He said you weren't answering," my daughter replied, giving me a slight frown.

"Oops," I replied, after looking at the three missed calls and several unread text messages on my cell. Returning it to the back pocket of my jeans, I took the cordless from Katie. "Hey Sammy, funny you should call, I was just thinking about you yesterday. What's up, little brother?"

"Dean, I'm glad I finally got ahold of you. I need a favor," my kid brother replied hurriedly, before sighing. "I uh..."


Cutting him off, I said, "Hold on a sec, Sammy, someone's at the door." Grabbing my daughter by the arm as she came rushing by, I sternly ordered, "DON'T!" stopping her attempt to open our front door. "You know better," I cautioned verbally. If I had a free hand I would have made my point known by slapping her bottom.

"Why can't I get it, Daddy?" Katie whined.

"Because it could be some psychotic nut job, just escaped from the loony bin," I replied, pushing Katie behind me as I opened the door.

"Hey big brother," Sammy replied, smiling sheepishly at me as he stood apprehensively on my doorstep.

"See," I said, turning to Katie as I gestured to her uncle. "Nut job, just like I said."

"UNCLE SAMMY!" my daughter shouted excitedly, jumping into my brother's waiting arms.

"Hey Jellybean, I've missed you," Sammy grinned, tossing my daughter up in the air and delighting in her giddy giggling before scooping her up and hoisting her atop his shoulders.

"Well, I guess I don't need this anymore," I said more to myself than anyone else, as I set the phone down on the end table.

"Daddy, look how tall I am," Katie laughed, as she stretched her little arms towards the ceiling, her fingertips just inches away from being able to touch.

"I see, baby girl. You're like a giant," I replied, tickling her tummy while she held her arms up.

"Daddy, stop," she faux protested as she laughed, trying to protect her stomach from further assault. "Uncle Sammy's gonna drop me," she worried needlessly, as my little brother had an iron grip on her legs.

"Whoa, whoa," Sammy cautioned, playing along as he swayed clumsily, pretending he was losing his hold on my daughter. "Oh no!" he shouted dramatically, flippin Katie over his head to swing her between his legs, her little butt just narrowly missing the floor on her way through.

After repeating the process a dozen more times, Katie said, "Uncle Sammy, you're making me dizzy."

"Oh, sorry, baby," he apologized, setting her gently on her feet, steadying her as she swayed like a drunken sailor. "There you go." He finally released her, once she got her sea legs.

"Why don't you run off to your room and play for a little bit," I told Katie, not really suggesting so much as ordering. "Your Uncle Sammy and I need to talk in private."

"Noooo, I want to stay with Uncle Sammy," Katie whined.

"Young lady, if you..." I started to admonish my daughter before my little brother cut me off.

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