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Dean's pov

"Do you know why I spanked you?" I asked, lifting his chin so he'd look me in the eye.

"I want Mommy," he cried out, his little shoulders shaking as he continued to sniffle.

"Mommy's at work, buddy. She'll be home later this afternoon. I need you to listen to me now and answer my question. Ok?"

"No! You're mean and I hate you. I want my mommy!" he yelled, surprising me with his strength as he ripped himself from my grasp and took off running down the hall to his room.

"DREW!" I shouted out after him. "Come back here!" I sighed heavily, hearing the door slam shut.

Just then Alex emerged from his room.

"What's all the damn noise about?" he asked crudely.

Standing with the door half open, eavesdropping no doubt, my nosey daughter replied, "Dad gave Drew a spanking."

I snapped my fingers and pointed. My flaring nostrils and harsh glare, sending Katie a very clear message as to my mood and what she better be doing in the next five seconds. Wisely heeding the warning, she retreated back into my room and quietly closed the door.

"You spanked Mom's baby? Her golden boy?" Alex chuckled menacingly. "Oh you are so screwed."

"I honestly thought you'd be more upset when you found out, especially considering you're partly responsible." I observed his body language and facial expressions closely as I monitored his reaction, convinced he was masking his true feelings upon hearing I spanked his little brother.

"Why? He's had it comin' for a long time. Mom lets him get away with everything," Alex snarked.

Well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I thought to myself, chuckling in my head at his delusional lack of self awareness.

"Not just him," I mumbled quietly to myself, as I tried to rub some of the tension from my neck.

"And what do you mean, I'm partly responsible? I've been in my room all morning, I wasn't even near the brats today." Alex scoffed, as he continued scrolling through something on his phone.

"Drew told me that you were the one who informed him he doesn't have to listen to me because I'm not his father. Ring any bells?" I asked, gladly letting him dig his own grave.

Alex chuckled, "Well it's true isn't it? You ain't his father and you ain't mine either," he stated flatly, never taking his eyes off his phone.

"You know the day's comin' pretty soon when you won't be able to use that reasoning." I held my hand over his phone screen, ignoring his feeble protest, so he'd be forced to pay attention to what I was saying. "When I marry your mother, I'll officially be your step-father and you won't be able to throw that lame-ass excuse in my face anymore."

"Whatever," he replied dismissively, turning slightly so he could see his phone screen again. "Don't be pissed at me cuz Mom's gonna kill you when she finds out you hurt her precious baby boy." He sneered the last part as if it were a string of curse words. I guess someone's jealous of all the attention his little brother gets.

"Yeah, I don't think so," I replied, trying to put up a brave front, when in reality I know he's right.

"You thought it was bad when Uncle Bobby spanked me and you defended him to Mom? This is a thousand times worse." Alex shook his head in disbelief. "Man, you are never gonna have sex again. She's gonna freeze you out for good this time," he laughed, slapping me on the back. "Dead man walkin'," he called out, as he made his way to the kitchen, laughing and reveling in my misery along the way.

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