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Dean's pov

After our successful fishing outing, I was feeling extremely optimistic about our blended family but as the week went on that feeling diminished more by the day. By the time Thursday rolled around, I'd all but given up on hoping for anything to go my way. My boss has been riding my ass, the kids have been bickering non-stop for the past two days, Amy's been extra moody and she's not even on her period, and the peacemaker is out of town. I just need some release.

Thank God work is over for the day I thought, as I turned my key in the lock of the front door. I want nothing more right now than to see my beautiful lady so I can give her tight ass a firm squeeze and a swat. I want to give my sweet kids a big hug, well the two young ones anyway. Alex would never let me, I know that and besides he's pretty far from sweet. But possibly more than anything, I want to savor the cool suds of a draft beer tickling the back of my throat as I take a load off before dinner, collapsing in my recliner, turning on a slasher flick, any horror movie really, I don't care.

Sammy's at some week-long training conference to learn the law differences here versus California so he can figure out what he needs to do to become a legit practicing attorney here. I know he only moved in a little bit ago but he's been such a big help with the kids and with workin' on the basement with me that his absence is already really noticeable. Everyone's a little more on edge and stressed out when the peacemaker is not around.

Witnessing the sight before me as I enter the living room, I sigh heavily, knowing my dream will not be coming true this evening. Drew is sitting on Amy's lap in tears and my daughter is at her feet, looking guilty as sin.

"What happened?" I sternly question my daughter, before giving Amy a quick peck on the lips.

"Katie pushed me." Drew stops crying long enough to give me the intel. "And I fell and hurt my knee," he pouts, showing me his supposed owie as he points to his little denim covered leg.

"Did your mommy already kiss it and make it better, buddy," I ask, ruffling his hair as I give Amy a sly smile.

He nods in response, sinking further into Amy's comforting embrace as he continues to nurse his "wound."

Looking my daughter dead in the eyes, I bark out my command, "TALK!" I'm in no mood for this right now. The sheriff ripped me a new one today for a mistake the stupid new rookie made under my watch. I just wanted to come home and decompress, not deal with this.

"Daddy, I didn't mean to. He took the block I needed for the house I was building and..."

Cutting her off, I coldly asked, "Did. you. push. him?" pausing between words to emphasize now would not be a good time to try my patience.

Recognizing the tone of my voice, my daughter wisely responds honestly as she sadly nods her head in confirmation of her misbehavior.

"Get your ass upstairs to your room!" I shout, pointing the way. "I'll be up shortly to deal with you."

My disobedient daughter scrambles to her feet and hightails it upstairs.

"Dean, he's fine, that's not necessary," Amy says, gently gripping my elbow, trying futilely to spare my daughter from punishment.

Sighing heavily, I reply, "That's not the point and you know it."

Amy withdraws her hand upon hearing my snippy tone.

Now is not a good time for her to question my parenting decisions and judging by the apprehensive look on her face, I think she knows that.

If I wasn't so annoyed with the way this day turned out, I'd be much more accepting of her advice right now but such is not the case. Thankfully, my lady recognized that and dropped it. I really don't want to have to deliver two spankings tonight. Amy is well aware I won't hesitate to keep her in line by taking her over my knee when need be. In fact, I think she rather enjoys it. We both do. My dick twitched just thinking about it. Her draped across my lap in sexy lingerie, butt perched up high as she arches her back in anticipation of feeling my firm hand across her backside. Fuck, I'm gettin' a full blown hard-on hearing the sound of her sexy moans in my head as I plunge my fingers deep between her thighs to feel how wet she is in response to my stern discipline.

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