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Dean's pov

I went to work with a little spring in my step and a bit of a tent in my pants after the amazing fuckfest Amy and I had yesterday. After we did it on the couch, we took the fun into the bedroom, where I rocked her world yet again. To finish off the night, I fucked her brains out in the shower before we went to sleep. I've been floatin' on cloud nine ever since. Everytime there's a lull in the action here at the station, I can't help replaying the highlights reel of our extra innings marathon between the sheets.

Just as I pictured roundin' third and sliding into home base, a call came in. Some kids were goofing around out on the ice on Mill's pond. Not an unusual call, unfortunately. Kids are always out there with no regard to the safety hazard the thin ice poses. Two kids drowned out there last year. Ever since then, the nearby farmers have become pretty vigilant about notifying the department whenever they see people out on the ice. Our department tries to make drive-bys in this area on a regular basis during the winter months as well.

The kids typically scatter when they see my patrol car, running through the woods or back over the hill towards town. They know if I, or one of the other deputies get our hands on them, they'll be in a shitload of trouble. We take 'em straight back to the station, put 'em in a holding cell and call their parents to come get 'em. The parents are required to pay the cost of having personnel watch over their little delinquents while in our custody. This ensures the parents cooperation in keeping their kids from becoming repeat offenders.

I parked my patrol car in a spot the kids wouldn't be able to see so I'd have a better chance of getting close enough to identify them before making my presence known. My first and foremost concern is their safety, making sure no one falls through the ice. My second concern is putting the fear of God in them so they never do something so reckless again. If I can't catch them, I can at least identify them and rat them out to their parents in hopes they'll take over in ensuring they don't repeat this behavior.

I made my way along the edge of the woods, keeping my eyes on the two kids at all times. One looked to be about Katie's age and the other was definitely younger, more like Dre...

"NO!" I shouted, now running at full speed. "GET OFF THE ICE NOW!" I yelled, at the top of my lungs, racing toward them. It can't be. Unfortunately, my fears were confirmed when I got close enough to get a good look at the two kids scrambling off the ice.

I breathed a sigh of relief once they were safely ashore, both feet on solid ground.

"KATHERINE ROSE, ANDREW MARK, DO NOT MOVE ONE INCH!" I ordered sternly. Katie knows when I use that tone, she only has one option if she wants to remain on this earth; obedience, immediate and unwavering. My blood is boiling now, I'm so angry. I can't believe my own kid would do something so beyond idiotic, not to mention dangerous, and then she has the nerve to drag Drew into her hairbrained scheme, putting his life at risk as well.

When I get my hands on her... I grit my teeth in anger as my nostrils flare. I try to slow my rapidly beating heart when I finally reach them. I am so beyond livid right now, I don't know what I might be capable of doing in the heat of the moment.

"Dad, I can..." my daughter starts trying to excuse her behavior, before I cut her off.

"DON'T," I growl in a low menacing timbre, as I hold up my hand to stop her.

"DEAN!" Drew shouts, happily running into my arms. This kid has no idea he's done anything wrong.

"Hey, buddy," I say, picking him up, trying to soften my tone. "GET OVER HERE!" I sharply order my daughter, snapping my fingers and pointing to the spot in front of my feet.

Tears streaming down her cheeks, she slowly complies. This girl, unlike her soon to be step-brother, knows exactly what she did wrong and how much trouble she's currently in. Still holding Drew in one arm, I pull my daughter close with the other and hold her against me. Katie wraps her arms around my waist and starts sobbing her apologies into my shirt.

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