marry me? \\englot🌺

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Engfa is a racer and during a race she "falls" making Charlotte rush to her but it was all just a set up for the big question

SUGGESTION from:krvyx_

Engfas  pov:

Today's the day.
Today is the day I'm gonna ask her

I'm getting ready for the race and as usual I'm nervous just extra nervous
All the racers know what I'm gonna do so well have to start over later but fun nonetheless
"Hey! Waharaha race starts in 10 minutes. You ready" the host says I nod he look at my hand and sees the ring
"Nervous huh... Don't be she loves you she'll say yes" he says I close the box and put it in my jacket then go to the start getting on my bike beside the others.
I put on my helmet and get ready to start I can see char cheering on the sidelines making me smile.
The start sign goes off and everyone races like no other we go one round around and now the time I go over a hill where she can't see how I last and pretend I'm losing control and crash I hear the crowd yell and gasp then I hear charlotte screaming and assume she's running towards me because it gets louder and louder
I lay my bike over my leg to make it seem it landed on it and then I see her crying running towards me with some racers and security
"Pha! Baby! Oh my god! Are you okay! Pha- " she says sitting down next to me as one of the security guys takes the bike off me I groan at the sudden action and lean slightly in char
"I'm okay just little shaken up"
"Really that's what you say after I just watched you crash" she argues and I smile I take her hand to feature and she calms down a bit but not fully
I look at one of the Racers and she nods I nod back
"Come on stand up I'll help" char says I take her hand and stand up but then drop down falling on one knee
"Pha! " she says kind of in a panic
I took the ring out my jacket and looked up not yet showing her the ring
"Charlotte austin I love you and I don't ever want it to end and I know it won't. These years with you have been the best years off my life you fill my days with happiness and sunshine even when it's a bad day or we just had an argument you are always there for me and I do the same for you. I want to spent the rest of my live with you always and forever"
I take the ring and look up at a sobbing charlotte my tears rolling down my face too I open the box and hold it up
"Charlotte austin will you marry me? " I say she smiles then says
"Yes! Yes I will marry you" I smile and let out a relieved sigh I stand up and hug her giving her a kiss pulling away then going back on one knee and sliding the ring on her finger
Standing up again she pulls me in a long and passionate kiss all around us there's cheering and whistling.
I pull back and wipe her tears she doing the same for me
"I love you" she says I smile
"I love you too baby"

Okay so did the best I could hope this is what you wanted
Love y'all
Have a goodnight/morning/day😘

thai GL \\ one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now