im waiting\\ englot 🌺

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Engfas pov:

We are hanging out at my place. By we I mean Heidi tina nudee and char.
Right now we're watching a movie and talking char sitting next to meshes wearing something simple with my jacket on and I have just a blouse and jeans
As I'm watching the movie her hand leans to get my head on her shoulder which I follow no question asked. But what we didn't notice is that nudee was filming.
When the movie was over which was 1 houtlr later we just kept on talking
Then chars phone rang
"Sorry I have to take this" she said standing up
"No problem " I said and when she was in a room the others could tell something was up

"What is it p'ha" tina said making me look up I shook my head
"Nothing" they all looked at each other from does she think we're stupid
"Is it charlotte" nudee asked I blushed and crublem falling onto the couch
"Yes it's just... I don't know"
"Just ask her out she likes you really likes you. And you guys have been very clingy" Heidi said I smiled thinking about it but then snapped back
"I don't want to ruin the friendship. What if when we get together something goes wrong and our friendship is never the same again" I say they all listen smiling slightly but also sad
"But what if it doesn't go wrong and you guys will be happier then ever" nudee said I mean it would be so nice and so reliving we've been teasing each other for such a long time now
"What if she's not ready. I don't want to put pressure on her"I say my hand falling on the couch
" you guys been flirty for ten months now  minus the ones where you guys didn't talk at all"tina said
"And she literally said on live that if it's not you she doesn't want to date " she added
I mean it's true but if she isn't ready I'm willing to wait even longer
"If she isn't ready I can't make her, we set boundaries for a reason and if that means I have to wait I will happily do that " I say they smile and just stare when char walks back in
"So what I miss " she says sitting back next to me she looks at me with a smile I swear I could have crumbled right there but I just smiled back

Chars pov:

"Sorry I have to take this" I said then got up
"No problem" p'ha said I smiled and went to a random room picking up
"Hi mom" I said
"Hi charlotte I just wanted to tell you that I'm very proud of you and will support you no matter what happens" it was sudden but it hit me like a truck tears forming
"Thank you mom but I have to get back to the others were having a sleepover"
"Okay sweetie have fun" she hung up when a year dropped from my eye I quickly sweepes it away and got back
"So what did I miss" I say sitting back next to p'ha with a smile which she returned
"We were just talking didn't miss much" tina said I nodded and put my head on phas shoulder fidgeting with my matching ring with p'ha
"Uhm char can I talk to you alone" p'ha said breaking the awkward silence
"Yeah of course" she gave me a hand helping me stand up and walking to her room I sat down on the bed waiting for her as she closed the door
She stands in front of me it looks like she hesitating to say what she wants
"P'ha what's wrong you can tell me " I say trying to make it easier
"Maybe I had too many drinks
But that's just what I needed
I hope that you don't think that what I'm saying sounds conceited" she starts out of nowhere making me confused but listening closely
"When I look across the room, and you're staring right back at me

Like somebody told a joke and we're the only ones laughin Don't know why I tried 'Cause ain't nobody like you'

Familiar disappointment every single time I do Every single night my arms are not around you
My mind's still wrapped around you" she goes on
"P'ha.. " I said trying to convince myself to resist that it won't work
"Baby, tell me when you're ready
I'm waitin'
Baby, any time you're ready
I'm waitin'" I can't help but smile when she called me baby she reached out her hand which I take and stand up
"What are you doing p'ha"
"Even ten years from now If you haven't found somebody I promise, I'll be around
Tell me when you're ready
I'm waitin'" is the last thing she said I just stare at her in shock
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" she says ready to leave the room
"P'ha don't leave, I feel the same I'm just.. Scared" she stops and walks back I sit down again as I feel like my legs are giving out
"What... " she says sitting  next to me
"I'm scared that if we are gonna date, it goes wrong and it'll never be the same again. But when I'm with you I feel free safe comfterble like I don't ever want you to leave. " now it's her time to just stare blankly
"Me too I'm scared too, and like I just said I will wait for ever till you're ready to try" she says I feel tears coming and from the looks of it she is as well she pulls me in for a hug that lasted longer then ever
" well you don't have to wait anymore I want to be with you p'ha I do"she smiled and hugged me I hugged back now happy tears coming
" but let's take things slow" sh3 said I nodded and touched up my makeup that was in my eye
"Yeah.. Let's get back to the others before they assume something" I said she nodded and took my hand again and we walked back
The others were staring at us with bright smiles
"Okay what are you guys up to " p'ha said as we sat down her legs resting on my lap
"Nothing just happy for you guys" Heidi said me and p'ha looked at each other slight panic.
"We heard. You guys are soooo cute" Heidi said making us blush me falling ouln p'ha my hands covering my place
"Oh don't be embarrassed we've been waiting for this moment for ages " nudee said

Okay so hope you guys like it
And if you don't like I used the literal lyrics from the song I'm sorry
Again this is purely fan fiction

Word count :1111

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