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" we should get back pretty sure Heidi knew we were fucking"
Charlotte gasped a blush returning
"Did she really" pha just chuckled smugly clasping chars still trembling hand and pulling the 2 out the door
"I don't know let's find out "

No ones pov:

As the two love birds walk back to the table Heidi was grinning but turned back to her food taking a bite
Engfa and Charlotte sat down
"What happened are you guys okay"chompu asked looking at the two charlotte looked at pha as in you answer you did this
" she wasn't feeling well I just had to check on her "pha answers I nodded awkwardly as I felt Heidi's eyes on me does she really know oh I hope not
" oh char I'm sorry your not feeling well "nudee said
" thank you "after that we just sat talked and ate laughing and teasing each other
When it was about 23:00 we were all getting ready to leave well me and pha the others already left but as we were walking out Heidi came up to us and said
" had fun under the table "my heart skipped a beat and I became a tomato
As pha just cuckled
" noted"pha said I pushed her arm
"Don't be embarrassed char we've all done it before " Heidi said making me look up at her she just smiled and winked pha grabbed my hand and let me out as u was still shocked and embarrassed

Okay so a short one but I didn't want to make it to long
And I was in the hospital till 22:15 so am still tired
But hope you liked it luv y'all buh bye

thai GL \\ one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now