Thats Not The Truth.chapter 3

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I got home later on from the party and I actully got Satoshi's number.We'd never exchanged numbers so it was a new experience for me.I showered and slipped on a over sized Soul Eater shirt and heard my phone go buzz.
-Why hello there :)-
Satoshi had already been texting me? I never knew he was that eager to talk to me.Like I said we haven't been that close but he was quit the good child in middle school so I guess being friendly was his thing.
-Hey Satoshi.. :)-
-Everything cool?i mean obviously tonight was diff.-
-yeah..can you go into a bit more detail please?-
-maybe me at that run down bus station on Cliffland Blvd.-
Dammit..he brushed me off.why do I have to be so fucking snoopy?
**next morning**
My eyes sting like a bitch.Probably because I practically glued my iPhone to my face,thanks anime.I took the time today to actully give a shit about what I wear.i rarely do that.I walked to Cliffland because it was fairly close and I could already see Satoshi's figure in the morning fog.
"Hello my dear Lucid"
And his cologne hits like that..can't get over that.As I took a step further he ended up grabbing my hand gently and then looked into my eyes.
"Satoshi..I don't know what happens last night..what's going on now..but your with Crista..she would be mortified if she saw us I mean- look" He had the nerve to laugh at me!
"Your a silly guessing you don't go on Twitter anymore" still holding onto my hand,he pulled out his phone and showed me a tweet from Crista.
-So excited for my trip to Paris! Always something I've wanted to do ALONE-
It had been posted this morning around 2 AM.
"So you see..I have no shame in doing this-"
He grabbed my waist which made me yelp a bit.
"Or this..." He was now holding my cheek and just as things were getting interesting things got complicated like that.
"Leave the poor thing alone.Your probably crushing her cheek" it was a husky,sexy,raspy voice.Very young and nice,but had a raspy tone at every word and a body emerged from the entrance side.
"Letova can you for ONCE not stalk me wherever I go?"
This guy was pretty close to as being as attractive as Satoshi. He had dark cyan-blue hair and was dressed in all black and had snakebites and relatively medium sized gauges.He looked like your average punk.
"Don't be a let down friend..cig-"
"She doesn't want a cigarette you dumbass!Get out!" I got out of his embrace and backed up from the two.
"Hey sweets?"
I looked at Letova sharply and reached for my phone scared of what might happen.
"Satoshi here wants to get in your pants and the tweet Crista posted? That's not the truth"
"Letova im sick of your bullshit! Go away!"
I immediatly dashed home and could hear yelling and screaming fading as I ran.I was confused once again.When will the confusion ever end?

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