Like This Like That.chapter 5

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"Mint is grossss!!"
"No way,mint is awesome!" Satoshi booped Hatsune's nose and she giggled,haven't heard that sound in forever.
"Well then you get no ice cream at all!" He sarcasticly dared at her
"You wish!" She laughed and he picked her up and swirled her around.I was too busy admiring the view of Hatsune and Satoshi bonding.
I yelped and cleared my head quickly.
"I'm strawberry,and two mints please."
"Coming right up"I handed the clerk the cash and handed Hatsune her ice cream with a weak smile.I was exhausted.
"I know it's bad timing but is there a chance for "us"...?" Satoshi grabbed me by the waist and it felt good,like I wanted to pass out then and there.
"Of course..I would love nothing more.." I grabbed a table and moaned silently.
"Okay let's get you home!"Satoshi picked me up leaving my ice cream and carried me in the back seat with Hatsune.
"It's okay mama." Hatsune petted my head and I smiled at her.
*many hours later*
I don't remember a lot from the car ride other than i passed out and I was on the couch.
"Thank goodness your awake beautiful.." I smiled at Satoshi's suddenly deep voice.oh but it wasn't Satoshi.i screamed and jumped up.
"Who the fuck are you?" It was that Letova dude from the other night. Satoshi came running in siding by me.
"Relax sweets..your apartments pretty nice..and by nice I mean shitty."
"You fucking-" I lunged at him and felt Satoshi hold me back as I clawed at him to let me smack the shit out of Letova.
"Sweets calm your tits,we have little one in the room."
"I can hear you Mr.!" Hatsune pointed at Letova and grabbed my leg gently and pulled me towards the bathroom.
"Your just like your auntie Katarina.." I smiled and ran her bath for her.
"Really? I've always wanted her big hoop earrings!" Her giggles were the definition of life.
"Don't be a cougar now!" I laughed and handed her a small bottle of shampoo.
"Get all your head babes.ill be back in a bit" I kissed her head and closed the door behind me.
"Hopefully she's not watching PO-"
I slapped Letova before he could even say another word.
"Get out! Your lucky I'm not calling the police!" I brushed my hair out of my face and watched as Satoshi shoved Letova out.
"Babe im so sorry..he came and we needed to talk and ugh.." He held my face and kissed my exhausted eyelids.
"But I can do this.."
He grabbed my waist holding me gently making me smile.
"And this..." He slipped his fingers up my back and looked at me with a glimmer in his eye.
"Like this like that right?" I smiled laying my head on his chest.
"Exactly.." He unfastened my bra hook and leaned in closer.
"Mama can you help me dry off!" I could hear her screaming and her attempting to pull the drain on the tub.
"I'll be back."I walked in the bathroom and dried her and changed her clothes.
"Oaky sit over there on the pillow okay hon?"she did as she was told and I started to braid her silky hair back.
"And dinner is ready!"I carried Hatsune and we all say down.
"Love this is helps out a lot,thank you." I smiled and leaned over the table to kiss him while he wines and dines us.
"California rolls for you madam..and macaroni and cheese for you miss."
She ate it up gradually and I enjoyed not cooking dinner for once.While I was washing the dishes Satoshi was putting Hatsune to bed and came back shortly.
"We meet again!" He picked me up and pinned me to the couch and we were both laughing.
"I love you.." He whispered.
"I love you too..." I whispered in leaning close as my phone rang from my pocket.
I checked the number and my jaw dropped and I sat up quickly.
"It's my mother..."

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